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Jess's POV:

I woke up and groaned in pain. It's only been two days since I was found. Dad had to be ordered by me to go back to work and go home. I still didn't trust the doctors but my dad needed to work and sleep in his house. Everyone came to visit. Dad had assigned a protection detail at my door when I've told him that I don't need it. Unfortunately, I will have new scars. I will have more scars on my back and stomach but now I will have at least two scars on my face . The doctors did suggest plastic surgery but I turned that down. I don't want plastic surgery and I want to get out of the hospital as soon as I am able to. I looked at the time. It was currently 10:45 am. Five minutes later, the nurse came in and did her check up while giving me some medicine to dull the pain. As soon as she left, Tony came walking through the door. I smiled as much as I could. The stitches were still in my face. "Hey" I greeted. My voice was still hoarse and quiet. Tony smiled. "How's your day?" he asked. "Don't know. I just woke up. How's yours?" I asked. Tony had to sit close to me due to the quietness of my voice. He shrugged. "Your place holder is boring. She doesn't get any of my references or my jokes like you do and the woman who gave us the rings, keeps saying how sweet I am for not flirting with the place holder when she has made strong advances towards me" Tony complained. "Aw, I think you're sweet as well for not flirting with my place holder" I joked. Tony chuckled. Tony looked down all gloomy. "What's wrong?" I asked. Tony looks back up at me. "Everyone keeps saying you're not coming back and that the place holder is actually your replacement. People are saying that you told someone that you are not coming back to NCIS" Tony said. 

I stayed silent due to my shock. Tony just stood up and started to leave. "Wait, where are you going?" I asked. "I can't believe you're not coming back!" he snapped. I was taken aback. "I never said I wasn't coming back! Those words never came out of my mouth! Once I'm all healed up, I plan on going back to work!" I snapped back which hurt my throat. Tony didn't say anything but sat back down in his chair. "Do you know who claims that I told them that I was quitting?" I asked, my voice quieter. Tony scooched closer to me. "Not yet. McGee, Ziva, and I are working on it" Tony replied. "All three of you?" I asked. Tony nodded. "None of us want you to leave" he commented. I smiled and winced. "Are you okay?" Tony asked, worried. "I'm fine. It just hurts to smile because of the stitches" I said. Tony relaxed. "Your place holder is coming to visit you sometime today" Tony informed me. "Why?" I asked. The place holder walked in as soon as I asked my question. She looked at me and smiled. Something seemed off. "Hello, I'm Agent Sam. Your replacement" Agent Sam introduced. "Place holder" I said. She looked confused. "What?" she asked. "You are my place holder, not my replacement. For you to be my replacement, I would have to be fired, quit, or dead and I'm not fired or dead and I did not quit. So, you are my place holder until I am fit enough to get back to work" I explained. Agent Sam chuckled. "You can't be serious?" she exclaimed. "I am completely serious" I replied. "No offense but you can't exactly protect yourself. The same guy managed to kidnap you and torture you for days! That wouldn't have happened to me" Agent Sam explained. 

I saw Tony start to speak. I placed my hand on his to stop him. "What makes you so sure that you would never be kidnapped?" I asked. She scoffed. I glimpsed dad standing in the doorway. Agent Sam didn't seem to notice. "I'm not weak. Plus, I'm not blind" she replied. She looked all smug. "Plus, I don't have a father who couldn't protect his wife" Agent Sam spoke. I grew all serious. "I hope you don't mean my mother" I said, warningly. She chuckled and smirked. "Oh, I mean her and her youngest daughter" she replied. "Get out of my room" I spoke sharply. She leaned in closer, cupping her ear toward me, mockingly. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you" she said. "Perhaps I could help" dad spoke. Agent Sam froze. "Get out of my daughter's room, pack your stuff from her desk and go home" dad spoke. She just walked out of the room without another word. "I'll go back to work, boss" Tony said, getting up. "See you later Tony" I said. "See you" he replied and left. "Hey dad. I guess I found out who started to spread the rumor that I wasn't coming back" I said. "I tried my best to save Shannon and Kelly..." dad started to say. "I know, dad. There was never any doubt in my head that you didn't try your best" I interrupted. Dad sat down in the seat where Tony previously sat. "Find a better place holder or just don't get a place holder" I requested. Dad chuckled. "Will do. You know what happened wasn't your fault" dad said. "I know" I said, looking away from him. I still felt guilty about giving up hope that they wouldn't find me. 

"How are you holding up? Are you getting your sleep?" I asked. "I'm doing fine, Jess. I'm sleeping" he replied. Dad and I talked for a bit and he left at 1:30. I rested the rest of the day and I dreamed of the day I would get out of here. The doctor came in and did a check up and removed stitches from the small cuts. "In a few more days, the rest of the stitches should be ready to come out and you can go home" he announced. I smiled and didn't hurt anymore since he had taken them out. I couldn't wait! Abby came in and I informed her of what happened with Agent Sam and she was really pissed. She went on a rant on how strong I am and how strong and protective my dad is. Abby is like a sister to me. I love her like how I love Kelly. When she left, McGee came in and we talked. McGee is like a brother to me. After McGee, Ziva showed up. I love Ziva. She's like an older sister to me. She helped me open up about what happened when I first joined the team and before I got kidnapped. We talked and it was 9:55 pm when she left so I can get some sleep. I felt so loved and cared for at NCIS and I never felt like that at the FBI. I was so grateful for the job opportunity that Jen and dad gave me. I can't wait until I am able to hug them.

Gibbs's Daughter.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang