Waking Up in the Hospital.

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When I opened my eyes, everything was fuzzy. I could see blurry faces around me. I blinked a few times and soon, everything became clearer. Dad was to my left and Ziva was to my left. Tony and McGee was standing at the end where my feet lay. I smiled. "Hey guys. Can any of you tell me why I'm still here?" I asked. Dad chuckled. "You were passed out" dad replied. I rolled my eyes. "I know" I mumbled. I looked at my stomach. "Did any of them see the scar?" I whispered to dad. "No. I made sure the doctor covered t before they came in" he replied. I nodded in thanks. "Oh dad. I told Ziva" I added. He smiled. "Good. Maybe that will help" he said. I smiled. "So, Tony. What happened to McMalluk?" I asked. "He was charged and is now in prison" he replied. "Good. That little scumbag is where he belongs" I snapped. Everyone laughed at that. I smiled and laughed along. "So, when am I getting out of here?" I asked. "Now if you want" a guy said. He came into my view and my eyes widened. "You" I said in disgust. He smiled, sheepishly. "Hey Jess" he replied. "You know him?" Tony asked. I nodded. "Don't tell me you're my doctor" I said. He looked down. "I'm afraid I am" he replied. "Who is he?" McGee asked. "This is Doctor Ryan Dylan" I said through gritted teeth. Ziva bent down. "Any relation to Chad Dylan?" she whispered. "Brother" I replied. "I think I will go now" I said. He nodded. "I'll get your clothes" he said and walked out. "How do you know him?" Tony asked. "Long story that I will not go into at this moments" I snapped.

Tony looked at me, curious but nodded. He came back in with my clothes. I glared at him the entire time. He quickly set them down on the bed and immediately left. "Can you guys please leave so I can get dressed?" I asked. They nodded and left. Ziva stayed behind to help me. I stood up and she helped me into my pants and shirt. "Thanks Ziva" I said. "Why are you mad at him?" she asked. I sighed. "He knew from the beginning what Chad was doing and he claimed that he was only trying to help me" I replied. "How was he helping you?" she asked. "That's what I asked him and he said by not having him kill me but that didn't really work out" I replied. She sighed. "At least you're not dead" she said. I laughed. We walked out of the room. I was gently pushed back into the room by Ryan Dylan. "Listen, Jess, I'm so sorry for what Chad did to you. I know I should have told you from the beginning but he would have definitely gone after you and I couldn't live to see it that way. I was trying to get help but the cops would think that I was his accomplice and that had led to an angry Chad. He cut me too. I don't have a scar but he did. I know what you went through" Ryan said. I glared at him. "You know what I went through? No you didn't! You have no clue what I went through! I have lived with him for two years and I had no clue! You did and you chose not to tell me! I have a scar and you don't so all I know is that you are lying about him cutting you. So don't even go there! You should be glad that I didn't tell the cops that you were in on it!" I yelled. I stormed out of the room and down the hall to the elevators.

The others followed me. Tony and McGee looked curious but Ziva and dad had a sympathetic look on their faces. I pressed the button and waited. The others caught up when the doors opened. We piled in. I was at the back with my eyes closed. Someone stood next to me. I put my forehead on their arm and groaned. "What's wrong?" Tony asked. "Don't worry about it" I said. He stayed silent. He moved his arm and put it around my shoulders and I put my head into his chest. I could feel him breathe. It took a few minutes for the elevator reached the lobby. The doors opened with a ding and we piled out. I walked up next to my dad. "How am I going home?" I asked. "We are going to stop at headquarters first. Abby wants to see you" he replied. I smiled. "After that?" I asked. "I'll drive you home" he replied. I smiled. "Thanks dad" I said. "No problem" he said. We got to the car garage and I got into the car with dad. He sped off to headquarters. "Hurry up!" I protested. He chuckled but went faster. Soon, we parked. I got out and jogged to the  elevator. I pressed the button and me and dad stepped in. We got to the lobby and dad got out while I stayed on. I was going to Abby's lab. I pressed the button and the doors soon closed again. It took about at least two minutes when the doors opened again. I got out and silently walked into the lab. I saw Abby looking at her computer with the music blasting. I laughed and she spun around. "Jess! You're alright!" she said while tackling me in a hug. I whimpered but hugged her back. "Of course I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. She started to go off about the diseases that I could have caught and died from until I covered her mouth. "I'm fine" I said.

She smiled and hugged me again. I hugged her back. "I got you this" she said while pulling me into the second room. She pulled out a stuffed elephant. I grabbed it. "I love it! I love elephants!" I yelled and squeezed it. It farted. I looked at it and laughed. "I love it even more now" I said. She smiled. She grabbed her hippopotamus and we squeezed our stuffed animals together, making a chorus of farts. "I got to go Abby but I will see you later" I said and hugged her goodbye. "Bye" she said. I got back into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. I waited until the doors opened. I went out and everyone was at there desks. I smiled. I saw Tony laying back with his eyes closed. I smiled. McGee looked at me suspiciously. I put my finger to my lips for him to be quiet. I tip toed over to him and put my elephant to his ears. I waited for a second and squeezed, letting out a huge and loud fart. He jumped awake and fell out of his chair. Everyone laughed. I smiled, innocently. He playfully glared at me. "What?" I asked. "Did you fart?" he asked. "No, my elephant did" I replied while squeezing it again. This time the fart wasn't so loud. He seemed to relax. "Abby gave you that, didn't she?" he asked. I smiled. "Yep. Jealous, are you?" I asked. "No. Why would I want a farting stuffed animal?" he asked. "Because it's awesome" I said. He rolled his eyes. "Jess, try to get some sleep" dad ordered. "Yes father" I said. I went over to my desk and laid down on the floor. I placed the elephant on floor and rested my head on it causing it to fart again. I sighed and closed my eyes leading to yet another nightmare.

A/n: Thanks for reading my story. Sorry for the short chapter. I got ideas for the chapter after her shoulder is healed and the next chapter but I'm not sure if I should do that chapter now or tomorrow. I'll decide. Thanks for dealing with my slowness to update. I'll try harder.  

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