Storage Locker

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       Tony, McGee, Ziva, and I pile into one car as we headed to the location of the Lieutenant's storage locker.  Tony was driving and I sat in the passenger seat much to the annoyance of McGee. I looked back at McGee who sat behind Tony. I smiled as he was still pouting. "Still sad that I got the front seat McGee?" I asked, teasing. "I called shotgun first" he groaned. "Really? You're still on that?" I asked, smiling. "It's the principle! Whoever call shotgun first, gets to sit in the front" he exclaimed. "You were over-ridded, McGee. There's nothing I can do about that" I replied. "Yeah because Tony has a little crush" McGee sulked. "What was that McGee?" Tony asked. "Nothing" he replied and looked back out the window. I smiled and looked at Tony. "What do you think would be in the storage locker?" I asked him. He glanced at me. "I don't know.  If I had to guess, it would be something illegal which could lead to his killer" Tony replied.

          Five minutes later, we pulled up to the storage place. We got out of the car and approached the worker. We pulled out our badges as we got his attention. "Special Agent Tony DiNozzo, this is Agent Jessica Giggs, Agent David, and Agent McGee. We need to access storage locker number 45" Tony spoke. The worker nodded and started to walk down a corridor. We followed with Tony leading. He brought us to the locker and pulled out the key. He started to unlock it when I stopped him. "We got it from here thanks" I said, holding my hand for the key. The guy nodded and dropped the key into my palm. He walked away immediately as if he had other things to do. I continued to unlock the door. I looked at Tony for authorization to open it. He nodded and I swung the door upward. We looked in and what we saw was not what we expected to see. There were boxes upon boxes filled with pink fluffy teddy bears of all sizes in various shades of pink. Some were holding hearts while others were holding signs saying 'I Love You'. I looked over at Tony. "Would this be considered illegal?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. 

               Tony chuckled. "McGee, Ziva, go back to the car and get the equipment. Jess and I are going to start looking through this" Tony ordered as he walked in. I followed as I heard McGee huff in annoyance. I walked around, not touching anything until I have gloves on. "What do you think he was doing with all of this?" Tony asked. "Maybe he was selling it online or maybe he was buying them from someone?" I asked, uncertain. Tony chuckled. "What would he be doing buying all of this? He was single and had no kids" Tony replied. "Maybe he had a girlfriend that loves this stuff" I answered back. "Maybe" Tony muttered. "Would you ever buy your girlfriend a pink, fluffy teddy bear?" I asked, teasingly. "No girlfriend to buy it for. What about you? Would you want your boyfriend to buy you one of these pink, fluffy, teddy bears?" Tony asked back. "No boyfriend to buy me one" I answered as I stopped in front of Tony in the back of the storage locker. He smirked at me. "I know that. But if you had one who wasn't abusive or a serial killer, would you want them to buy you one of them?" Tony asked. I looked at one in thought. "Maybe. I kind of like that one" I said, pointing a medium sized, light pink teddy bear which was holding a dark pink heart with a clear light pink ribbon around its neck. Tony looked at it in thought. 

               "If you had a girlfriend, would you get her one of these?" I asked, smiling. Tony shrugged and walked by me. I followed him and we reached the entrance just as McGee and Ziva came back. Ziva set down one of the bags and I opened it and grabbed a pair of gloves. I slipped them on and grabbed a camera. I turned around a snapped a picture as I went back around the locker, documenting the place with pictures before I even move anything. I noticed Tony doing the same thing. We moved everything around, looked through every box in every corner of the room. We spent hours in that storage room looking through everything, documenting everything, making sure we didn't miss anything. We gathered dust, fingerprints, and surprising saliva droppings. By the time we were done, it was dark out. "Let's get this back" Tony said. "Shotgun" I declared before McGee had a chance to. He groaned as he grabbed a bag. I grabbed the other as we headed back to the car. I put the bag in the trunk and went to go into the passenger side door only to see McGee smiling at me through the window. I smiled back and got into the back seat behind him. I noticed Tony was in the back seat as well. "What a day! Who would have thought that his biggest secret was a storage locker filled with pink, fluffy teddy bears" I exclaimed. "Something could still be illegal with them. We just need to figure that out" Tony replied. "Tomorrow we can figure that out. I plan to go home after we drop this off" Ziva commented. "I agree to that" I replied. I yawned at that moment. I laid my head back and moved to get comfortable before I closed my eyes. A minute later, I was asleep and I vaguely remember my head being moved to where it was laying on a shoulder. 

A/N: Hey. I added a part with Tony and Jess and I hope that it was good. If you have any suggestions or things you want to see happen between them, let me know and I might make it happen. Of course I will give credit to you. If you suggest something but don't want it in the story, just add 'don't add' to it and it won't be added. But I would love any kind of suggestion or comment or even something that you believe I could improve on, I would love to hear it and use your criticism on improving myself and my writing. I would greatly appreciate it.

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