Psychiatrist Appointment

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I hurried out of the elevator in case Ziva was following me. She's like a ninja or assassin. I glanced behind me as a raced to get to my car. I stopped at the driver's side door and paused. She hadn't arrived and I knew if she was chasing me, she would be here by know. I took out my key and unlocked the door. I slid in and threw my purse onto the passenger side floor. I sighed. I bet she told the others that something is on my stomach and now they are going to try to get it out of me. I put the key in the ignition and turned the key. The engine roared and I drove out of the garage. I started to panic. I was going to face my fear, well second fear. The place was close to the base so I didn't have to drive far and I was easily accessible if dad needed me. I pulled into the place. I parked in a parking spot and turned off my car. It was 3:25. I was breathing heavily. I closed my eyes and reopened them. I could do this. I grabbed my purse and got out. I locked the door and walked into the building. It was white. Of course. I walked through the door and was hit by the smell of medicine. I cringed. Great. I went up to the counter and the receptionist smiled, sickening sweet. I smiled back. "Name?" she asked. "Jessica Gibbs. I have an appointment at 3:30" I replied. She nodded and typed something into her computer. "You can go right in. Third door to the right" she said. "Thanks" I muttered. I walked into the bland hallway. It smelled strongly of medicine. I walked past four doors which were closed and surprisingly the doors were brown. I went over to the third door to the right. It was opened. I saw a man around mid twenties and he was looking at a manila file. I knocked on the door and he looked up. He smiled. I smiled back. "You must be Jessica Gibbs" he said. I nodded. "I'm Dr. Michael" he said. I nodded once again. "Have a seat" Dr. Michael said. I sat down at the seat he motioned at.

"So, let's start" he said. "Umm...could you close the door? I don't want people over hearing" I asked. His eyes widened. "Of course! I totally forgot. I'm sorry" he said. He got up and closed the door. He came back and sat down. He crossed his legs and looked at me. I just stared back. "So, tell me about your nightmares" he said. I looked at my hands. "Okay, well, my nightmares are the same every time I fall asleep. I'm back in my old house with my...ex-boyfriend. I wake up in our room and I'm wearing the silk pajama dress that he got me. Suddenly, I hear a noise coming from downstairs. I quietly make my downstairs and discover that the noise is coming from his study downstairs. I opened the door to the basement and tip toed down. I can hear the sounds more clearly. It's a woman in her mid twenties begging for him to stop. I don't know what's going on so I open the door a crack and I see her, tied up by hands to a bar above her. She's bleeding all over. There was blood on the walls as I walked to the door to his study. She saw me and looked hopeful and happy. He caught that. He asked why she was happy. She looked at me again and I quickly closed the door. I ran back up the stairs and hid behind the counter in the kitchen. He came. He told me he'd explain everything. I was stupid enough to believe him. I stood up and faced him. He told me he'd tell me if I came closer and I did until we were an inch apart. He grabbed me and pulled me to the room with the woman. I was tied up like her. He took his knife and...started to...cut me. The first cut ran along my stomach. That one was the only one that left a scar. That is when the nightmare stops" I said. He nodded. It was silent for a while. I looked at him. He stared at me. "Do you know why your are having these nightmares?" he asked. "Well, considering that really happened, I'm guessing because I feel like it's my fault" I guessed. He looked at me. "Hmmm. I doubt that really happened. Nightmares are based on stress or family problems or drama" he stated. My mouth was wide open. "You doubt that really happened? Why?" I asked, astounded. "Chances of that happening to anyone is very slim" he replied.

I scoffed. "It may be slim but it did happen. I have proof. I still have that scar from the first time he cut me. Do you want to see?" I asked. He laughed. "It's just a figure of your imagination. It's not really there" he said. I stood up. I pulled my shirt up so he can see the scar. He was shocked. "A figure of my imagination? I can tell you can see it so don't even try to tell me that it's my imagination making every little thing up. It is not about my family or work or stress or any drama in my life because it's not! It's exactly what it's about! It's pretty evident! I knew this was never going to work!" I yelled. I walked over to the door. "So, same time next week?" he asked. I stared at him. "No!" I said. I opened the door and slammed it shut. I walked out of the building and over to my car. I got in and unlocked the door. I went in and closed the door. I turned the car on and drove out of there. I was still mad by the time I parked my car in the garage of the base. I turned the car off and got out. I walked over to the elevator and pressed the button. It dinged and I stepped inside. I pressed the lobby button and the doors closed. I sighed. The doors opened as the elevator stopped at the lobby. Everyone was there. I walked over to dad. Every one stopped talking. "I'm never going back to that prison!" I exclaimed. He looked at me in confusion. "What happened?" he asked. I groaned. "He didn't believe me! He thought my nightmares were about stress, family problems, family problems or drama in my life! He said that it was very slim chances to that ever happening to anyone! He finally believed me when I showed him my..." I froze. He glanced at my stomach where my right hand was resting. "Besides, the place smelled like medicine and he made me feel crazy. He told me that the...thing...was just a figure of my imagination" I whispered. He heard me. "Okay. I'm sorry. I'll find someone knew" he said. I looked at him. "If I have to talk to someone, I want to talk to Dr. Cranston" I said. He chuckled. "Okay. I'll talk to Dr. Cranston" he said. I smiled. "Thanks" I said. I hugged him. I let go. "So, what's new with the case?" I asked.

"Nothing on McMalluk yet but we are still searching" Tony informed me. I nodded. "I get back to finding a connection between the victims" I said. "Found it. They went to the same gym" Ziva replied. "What?! I looked every where! Where'd you find it?" I asked. "They paid in cash" she replied. "Still, they would have to keep a record of it somewhere" I said. Tony chuckled. "Well, you have had trouble with your nightmares so it is understandable on how you missed it" McGee said. I nodded. "Right" I mumbled. I went to my desk and sat down. I leaned back and closed my eyes. "Dad, when is it going to stop?" I asked. He sighed. He walked over to me. "I don't know Jess. I don't know but I hope it's soon" he said. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. "Let's hope Dr. Cranston can help" I said. Silence took over to the place. I opened my eyes and saw Ziva staring at me intently. "Yes?" I asked. She just kept staring at me. I rolled my eyes. "They are just curious about you and your nightmares" dad whispered. "Especially Ziva. Jess, if you have to tell anyone, it would be Ziva. She is the only one that can keep a secret out of those three. Consider confiding in her" dad whispered. "Okay, I'll consider it" I replied. He smiled and walked away. I looked at Ziva who was still looking at me. Should I? Maybe. She seems trustworthy. But when should I tell her? The next time she interrogates me or when I'm ready? Unless I'm ready when the next time she interrogates me. I looked at my computer screen and pulled up candy crush. I started to play, distracting my mind if I should tell Ziva. Time passed and soon I passed level 10.  I was getting tired. I continued to play. I was afraid that I was going to have another nightmare. I tried to stay awake and I think everyone knew that I was going to fall asleep because they were staring at me. I could feel my eyelids droop. I gave in. I let my head fall on the desk and closed my eyes into a sleep filled with nightmares. 

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