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When you wake the next morning, the sunlight from the window opposite was basically blinding you due to the fact the blinds had not been closed before you went to bed last night. As you look down to get out of the direct line of blinding sun, you realise you were still in the same position you had fallen sleep in although now, Camila's leg was thrown over your waist with her face all but smushed in between your boobs.

Well damn. That's one way of getting comfortable.

You could also feel her hands tightly fisting the material of the shirt on the small of your back, not able to get any closer to you even if she tried.

Aware of the arm that was still supporting her head, you shift it slightly in an attempt at resuming normal blood flow to the now dead limb. Camila stirs at being slightly jostled, and you immediately freeze not wanting to wake her up. Thankfully, she stills again, and you couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief.

Looking down, you bring the hand of your free arm up to gently brush away the bangs that were covering half her face, fingertips grazing over the soft skin for a second before you lean forward to place a gentle kiss to her forehead. Satisfied, you cradle her head against your chest and let out a soft sigh.

You don't know how long passes when you finally feel Camila stir, but you look away from the spot you had been absently staring at and flicker your eyes down to the top of her head.

"Good morning," you greet quietly, your hand subconsciously tracing gentle circles across her back.

Camila let's out a deep sigh as she turns and rolls onto her back, your arm still underneath her as a makeshift pillow, "G'mornin." She grumbles tiredly, eyes blinking heavily as she tries to wake herself up.

Her efforts last all of five seconds before she gives up and turns back round to face you, though not as close as before. This allows you to finally move your arm that had been trapped beneath her, and you do eagerly, internally wincing at the feeling of pins and needles that immediately make an appearance telling you the blood was flowing again.

"How'd you sleep?" You murmur after a few silent minutes, taking the hand that was resting on the mattress in between you and intertwining it with your own.

Camila gives it a small squeeze, "Amazing. Can you move in?"

You snort a little at the joke but play along anyway, shifting yourself slightly so you were laying on your back, "Oh sure. Why not. Cut me a key and I'll have all my stuff here by noon."

She giggles as she once again settles against you, her head resting against your shoulder and her arm thrown carelessly over your stomach. You wrap your arm around her in response, fingers combing through her messy bed head in an attempt at taming it.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She wonders curiously, "as you know I can't cook for shit, but I can make you a mean bowl of cereal."

You smirk as you poke your finger into her side, and the squeak you get in response was almost enough to make you want to do it again. You refrain, however, not wanting to be mean.

"Oh, so you're like some sort of master chef huh?" You tease, and Camila hits you right back with,"Well duh. Didn't you realise that from the gourmet pizza I made you last night?"

"Ahh, so you left me with your twin whilst you snuck off to make pizzas! She must have been the one who kissed me!"

She feigns an offended gasp as she whips herself up into a sitting position, "That traitor! I knew she couldn't be trusted with you."

Comforted by the fact she hadn't responded badly, you respond with an equally as fake gasp, "You don't trust her and yet you still left her alone with me? Right, that's it. I demand an explanation!" You kick off the covers with the intention of going to 'demand answers' but was stopped seconds later by a loud laugh and arms securing themselves around your waist.

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