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Second to last chapter!


You shift in your seat and cross one leg over the other, bare legs sticking to the leather of the couch. Your fingers were fumbling with your phone in an attempt to keep still, and you could feel your anxiety slowly bubbling up to the surface. Camila was currently in an interview, and despite what happened last night, and against your better judgment you had decided to tag along. The offer was there to come into the room with her too, but you'd very quickly turned the offer down and had chosen to watch from the small dressing room instead.

Regret was almost instant the second she'd left you, but you were determined to stick it out. You didn't want to leave her when she'd been so excited you'd said yes. In an attempt to distract yourself, you bring your attention to the tv which was playing the beginning part of the interview. It was just the interviewer talking at the moment, and although his face looked familiar, you didn't know who he was.

You gather he'd introduced himself at the beginning, but you'd been a bit distracted.

Moments later, Camila was on screen too, and at the sight of here you feel your nerves almost immediately beginning to ease. She was wearing black striped pants with a red dress coat thingy. It was definitely a questionable outfit choice, and you were contemplating asking her stylist just what she was thinking, but Camila somehow made it look cute.

"So, I've heard you've brought someone with you today." He starts, and you automatically feel yourself freeze. There was no doubt he was talking about you, and you had no idea how the hell Camila was going to handle this.

You see her freeze momentarily, but only enough for you to notice, "Uhh yeah. Yeah I did." Despite her body language, her voice was still chipper and happy. It made your heart rate return to normal. She had this.

The interviewers smile was warm, so you knew he didn't have any ulterior motives with his questions. He was simply curious. "Can we ask for her name? Would she be okay with that?"

Camila nods, "I'm pretty sure most of my fans know her name now anyway," you snort a little at that, "Her names y/n."

He nods before bringing his attention to the camera, "Hi y/n!" He brings his hand up to wave, and despite not being able to see you, you bring a hand up to wave right back. Camila laughs, and it was like all of her sudden nerves had just flown right out of tue window.

After that, the topic changes, and the rest of the interview seems to fly by. Before you know it, the door flies open and you were met with Camila's smiling face. You instinctively open up your arms, and after closing the door behind her she walks forward and all but drops onto your lap.

"You did good." You murmur into her ear as your arms clasp around her waist, nuzzling your face into into her neck and pressing a light kiss to the warm skin.

Camila smiles as she cups the back of your head, "I panicked for a second, but he wasn't invasive like some people are. He was just curious."

You nod in acknowledgment as you hold her warm body close, "I know, I saw. What's next on the agenda?"

She sighs contently, "I have the rest of the day off before my rehearsals and performance tomorrow. So we could explore if you wanna."

"You wanna risk that?" You look up at her, bringing a hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "The paparazzi will probably be there."

"I think that's up to you," she says before leaning forward to place a kiss to the corner of your mouth, thumb immediately brushing over it almost as if she was wiping it away. "We can just chill in the hotel room and order room service if that sounds better."

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