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So this chapters basically just a bunch of fluff, and uhh, a slightly steamy scene at the end. (A little shorter than normal too but not by much) Enjoy!


"So, how'd the dinner go?" Camila's voice leaves the speaker of the iPhone that was placed on your desk. She'd been in New York a little over a day now, and other than a few texts, this was the first time you'd had the opportunity to talk to her and have a proper conversation. You weren't too bummed out though, because it allowed you to catch up on assignments and other pieces of homework that had been sat on the back burner.

"The ten minutes we talked were good." You speak absentmindedly as you type, "I made it clear I wasn't romantically interested and she made it clear to me she understood. She said she just wanted to be friends." Your eyes flicker over the words you'd written, a satisfied smile appearing on your face.

Camila hums, "Okay. Are you busy? You sound distracted."

"Just working in my assignment," deciding that you'd had enough for one day, you save the progress you'd made before closing your laptop and rising to your feet, "but I'm done for now. So I'm all yours." You pick up your phone and make your way through to the kitchen.

"I miss you." Her voice suddenly fills your ears, and you smile as you pause in the midst of getting yourself a drink.

"And you know I miss you too." You tell her honestly as you unfreeze and pull open the refrigerator door, "want to stay over tomorrow night?" You ask as you pull out a bottle of water along with some fruit before closing the door and sitting yourself at the counter.

It was silent on the other line for a short second before a quiet yes please breaks it, and you smile as you take the phone off of speaker and bring it back up to your ear.

"Great. I'll order in some food before hand. Any requests?" You wonder.

"Uhhhh," she contemplates, "Maybe Chinese?"

You nod as you finish the few pieces of fruit you'd picked out, "Sounds good mila. You in for the night?" You make your way through to the bathroom figuring you may as well get ready for bed. It was nearing seven after all, and you didn't want to move once you were comfortable.

"I am. It's eleven babe. If management planned anything this late I'd tell them to go fuck themselves." She laughs.

You raise your eye brows in surprise as you reach into the shower to turn on the water, "Well, okay then." You chuckle in amusement, pulling out a towel from underneath the sink.

"Why do I hear water?" She questions, confusion evident in her voice.

"It's the shower," you tell her, putting your phone on speaker again and setting it down onto the counter.

"Wait you're showering? With me still on the phone? And you're not even going to switch it to FaceTime?" She sounds offended, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully as you switch the call to FaceTime.

It takes only a second for Camila's face to appear, and you pop your head into view for a second with a smile of greeting, "You can stay facing the ceiling." You tell her as you pull off your shirt.

"Hey no fair." She whines with a firm pout, "I don't want to stare at the ceiling! Let me see you!"

"I'm naked, mila." You tell her as you grab a hair tie to pull your hair up into a bun. Whilst you didn't particularly mind her seeing you naked right now if that's what she wanted, you'd rather wait until you were together. It seemed more intimate that way.


You sigh as you peak at her again, "You don't want to wait until we're together?"

She freezes and sends you a questioning look with her eyebrows raised, and you nod your head slightly in confirmation, returning the soft smile that appears on her face.

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