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Lauren/you or Camila/you?


Camila unintentionally ends up spending the night. You didn't intend for it to happen, but you had both fallen asleep not long after starting the second movie. You should've known to have said no when she'd asked to watch another one when she was clearly exhausted, but of course the pleading pout being sent your way was too hard to say no to.

It lead you to waking up the next morning still on your couch, laid on your back with Camila basically sprawled on top of you.

Her head was on your chest, both her leg and arm thrown over you to keep you from moving. Your own arm was keeping her close, the hand of it resting on the back of her head. You take a few seconds to wake up before peering down to look at her, and you couldn't help but smile when you take in her smushed face. Oh and the drool hanging from her mouth just added to it. There was a small wet patch on your shirt telling you she hadn't moved a single inch throughout the night.

Shaking your head playfully, you rest your head back down deciding to let her wake up on her own. You didn't know if she'd be grouchy if woken and you weren't about to try and find out.

Thankfully it only takes a few minutes for her to stir, and you look back down at her in time to see her eyelids fluttering open, the grip she had on your shirt tightening momentarily before she releases it altogether to rub away the drool on her mouth. You decide to let her think you hadn't seen it.

"Good morning." You murmur, the hand on her head beginning to comb through her hair.

Camila let's out a heavy sigh as she grips your shirt again, "Good morning. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's okay," you sooth, "I did too. I just hope you don't have anything planned for today because it's already ten." You gesture to the clock you had hung up on the wall opposite.

She shakes her head, "Not until later." she murmurs, finally lifting her head and resting her chin against your chest instead. It allowed you to take in her flushed face and messy bed head, and you smile at the sight, brushing back her hair so it was no longer falling in her face.

She smiles cutely before lightly puckering her lips, and you laugh softly as you lean forward to place a light peck to them. Anything more would have to wait until teeth had been brushed because morning breath...ew. Seemingly having that same thought, she doesn't push for anything more and instead flops her head back down onto your chest.

"I should get up." She mumbles.

"Mhhh." You acknowledge.

"But I really don't want to." She continues, and you laugh slightly as you push yourself up into a sitting position. This leads to her basically straddling your lap, but before you could get too caught up in the position, you continue to your feet and set her down in front of you.

"Let's go brush our teeth. I have a spare toothbrush you can borrow." You offer out your hand.

She takes it and allows herself to be guided into the bathroom. Once there, you rummage through the draws and smile triumphantly when you immediately come across the toothbrush, pulling it out of the packaging and handing it over.

Camila accepts it with a smile of thanks, hoisting herself up onto the small amount of counter space you had next to the sink. She allows you to put some toothpaste on it, and you spend the next two minutes brushing your teeth in a comfortable silence. Once done, you put both toothbrushes into the small ceramic pot you had near the tap.

Camila watches you do this, waiting for you look her way before holding open her arms. You smile as you step close, allowing her legs to settle around you and her arms to wrap around your neck. You of course return the embrace, resting your chin on her shoulder as your hands gently graze her back.

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