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You pull up outside of Camila's at around seven in the evening. You'd had class for the most part of the day, so it was safe to say all you wanted to do was go home and sleep but you knew how excited Camila was for you to meet Dinah. So sucking it up, you press the buzzer and wait for the gates to open before easing the car forward.

An unfamiliar car was in the space you'd parked in last time, so you park the other side of Camila's car before turning off the engine. You sigh lightly as you unbuckle your seatbelt and grab your phone, not being able to hold back the smile that slips onto your face when you see the front door open, Camila all but throwing herself out of it and rushing towards you.

You had to admit you loved how excited she got to see you.

Not even having time to close the car door before she crashes into your arms, you hold her close, arms tight around her waist.

"Hi y/n. I missed you." She murmurs into your shoulder.

"I missed you too baby." You whisper into her ear, blindly reaching back to close the car door. She pulls away slightly and sends you a soft smile before placing a gentle peck to your cheek. You return the gesture before easing her back to her feet, locking the car and allowing yourself to be guided inside.

"Dinah's inside and she's been teasing me since the moment she got here. Be prepared for the same treatment," she laughs lightly as she closes and locks the door.

You simply nod your head, not really feeling it in you to return the teasing tone. She looks at you with furrowed eyebrows for a second, but just as she goes to question you, a familiar voice cuts her off.

"So you must me y/n."

You flicker your eyes over to the sound and send the tall woman a small smile and nod, "I am. It's nice to meet you." You greet.

Dinah hums and looks you up down, and you try your best not to squirm uncomfortably under her intense gaze.

"Dinah cut it out." Camila rolls her eyes and pulls you past her and through to the living room. You sigh in relief at the action, placing yourself down onto the couch. Camila sits next to you, and you take her hand silently letting her know that you were okay and there was no need to worry.

Understanding your silent reassurance, she nods and watches as Dinah sits on the couch perpendicular to you.

"So y/n," Dinah starts, and you laugh slightly when Camila groans and throws her head back in annoyance. You squeeze her hand comfortingly, preparing yourself for the questioning you were sure you were about to get.

"Dinah." You say, and the poly smirks before she speaks.

"How'd you two meet?"

Before you could respond, Camila mutters an I told you that already underneath her breath. Dinah ignores her and continues looking at you expectedly.

You sigh, "I was live, mila came on and asked to join. Of course I let her, and she told me to DM her once I was done. I did, and we pretty much hit it off." You tell her honestly.

Dinah hums almost as though she didn't believe you but you don't attempt to defend yourself knowing that what you had told her was nothing but the truth.

"And she came over to your place?" Dinah continues, still looking skeptical.

You nod, "Yep." You state simply.

"And she destroyed your kitchen?"

Geez how much did Camila tell her?"

You nod again, "Sort of."

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