Chapter 5 - Their point of view

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Note: This chapter consist of how they got to the real world. Every each point of view happen at different time.


Shank's pov

I was drinking sake with my crew since we are partying yesterday we are staying in a island in the new world. We are relaxing since there is no rookies coming to challenge us for quite now.

" I'm bored." Yasopp said while cleaning his pistol sitting with us.

My other crewmates  are away from us either they are chatting or wasted because of too much sake.

"Why are you bored?" Lucky roo ask him while eating his meat. Does this guy not getting stomachache for eating to much? You thought. (I really like lucky roo because he is cool!)

"Because there is  no rookies challenging us!! I want to test my pistol" yassopp answer him continuing cleaning his pistol.

"Well it's alright for me because i can relax and eat." Lucky roo said.

Benny is jus smoking while he listen to their talk. While me is busy drinking .

"Calm down guys, i'm sure there will be rookie will challenge us soon." I said while staring at them. Grinning at them.

"Well okey fine by me, i will just wait." Yassopp said agreeing .

"Well rookies are causing chaos now, one of them is the child you save, shanks" benny suddenly said to me.

"Ah you mean anchor? Well he is doing his promise to me to be a great pirate. Dahahahahaha" i said while laughing. Looking at my mug.

"Well the lad got guts ya know, challenging the world goverment to take back his nakama." Lucky roo said stop eating to put his hand to his chin.

"Sound really like anchor, i need to get more sake from the ship." I said to them standing up to remove the dirt in my pants.

"You can order one of our crew to go there" benny suggested.

" Nah it's fine i can manage i will be back" i said to him and walk to go to the ship.

After i reach the ship i go the storage to get a barrel of sake. I open the door of the storage and find the sake. I see it in the corner. I walk towards there.

Before i can reach it there was something blue light in my side i turn to the side to see it and before i know everything went black.

Sabo's Pov

I'm currently reading the reports of the agents  they pass to me because dragon-san is dealing with the problem in the south. So i'm in-charge to this to report back to dragon-san.

While i'm reading the reports someone knock on the door of my office, i answer to come in. It's Koala.

"Sabo-kun, it's time for lunch are you not gonna eat?" Koala ask me while smiling at me.

" I will eat later koala, i need to finish reading this , you can eat first." I said to her stopping reading to stare at her.

"Okey, then i will eat with ivan- chan, eat okey don't get too hungry." Koala remind as she go to the door to open it.

"Yeah i will." I said to her.

After she got out i finish reading the report and stretch my body to relax tense muscle from long sitting position. I got up to go to the bathroom to pee. After i pee i wash my hands in the sink and look at my face in the mirror and i see a strange spiral blue light in the mirror i  slowly reach my hand before i knew what is it was sucking me up.

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