Chapter 13 - Big guy

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You guys are now staying four days here in the beach house. The past days was so memorable and chaotic because you don't know how many times you shout or laugh, you don't even know how many times you got caught handed of what happen for the past three days.

Well in the first day, which you guys arrive in the other day, you and the guys woke up late in the morning because you were tired from the road trip. You guys eat brunch courtesy by Mrs. Hisata who reheat the food she cook for the breakfast. After that the guys decided to swim on the pool. You reminded not to go the sea because the waves are very strong. They nod and they removed their top clothes and they are only on their shorts. Muscular bodies. You process what you said.

Your eyes become wide and your mouth hang open. You quickly turn around and blush hard. These jerks! How can they just strip off their shirt? Did they notice there's a girl here?!?!. You thought angrily.

Luffy notice that you are turning your back from them so he come closer to you. The others are now inside the swimming pool.

He touch your shoulder and you slightly jump because of the contact. You turn to him and your eyes roam around his body then to his face. He have a confuse expression while he is looking at you. You quickly close your eyes.

"Y/n? Why are you closing your eyes? " Luffy innocently ask.

That get the attention of the guys who shifted their gaze from the see they are staring. They all now staring at you. Corazon, Ace, Sabo and Sanji are staring at you confuse. Marco, Mihawk, Shanks are grinning at you while exposing their body more. Bastards. Doffy, Law, Eustass, Zoro, Crocodile are smirking at you. They know. You thought. Luffy is the only who is confuse.

"Um... the sun is too bright luffy!!, that's the reason why i'm closing my eyes!" You answer luffy fast.

"Ohh~ Okey y-n! Then use a shades then." Luffy suggested to you while smiling at you.

"Hahaha, your right luffy!! Then i will get a shades on my room." You said very fast then you run inside the house before you can reach the stairs you hear them laugh very loud but you can feel the teasing tone on it.

In the day two, the guys seems they forget what happen yesterday so you pretend also that you forget also, the guys are playing with the sand that turn into a competition. They are trying to build the most strong and beautiful sand castle and they decided that you will be the judge. The ones who did not participate is mihawk, crocodile, corazon and marco who are chilling in the foldable beach chair. Drinking sake. The mature group. You thought while agreeing in your mind.

The kids of Mrs. Hisata and Mr. Tsukasa also participate they are a one team while the others are divided in three person per group. These are the groups.

Luffy, Sabo, and Ace are the group one. Law, Zoro, and Sanji are the group two. While doffy, Eustass, and shanks are the third group, and the kids are the last group. I expect on shanks but doffy also? You groaned in your mind.

"Do we need to do this?" You ask them while staring blankly at them.

"Well yes y/n swann~ if we win this, we will get a reward from you~" Sanji said flirty while his usual noodle perverted dance. How can he do that thing? You thought asking your self. (A/n: I always laugh when sanji is doing that dance.)

"Your the one decided that! Not me!" You slightly shouted at him. And he just swoon saying 'You are so hot when you are angry~'. You facepalmed on that.

"Just do it woman, like you could decline." Zoro commented. You just glare at him. He just smirked while looking away.

"Fine, whatever i will just be on my room, just call me when you are finish." You said to them and they nod. They began building the sand castle. While you go to the main house and go to your room. You decided read a romance novel that you found in your shelf. As you are reading you suddenly feel sleepy. And You are in the dreamland.

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