Chapter 7 - First morning with them

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I woke up at seven in the morning. Your thankful because its saturday now so you don't have school. Last night was very unexpected because you just let stay here in your house the cosplayers you see the one piece characters!! Yesterday was like a dream. Where a fan will meet her/his idol in real life and it happen to you.

"Damn." You mutter and sigh. You stand up from your bed and stretch to relax your body. And touch your neck and hiss. That eustass jerk. Your neck is bruised. You go to the bathroom to wash your face and add ointment on it . You nearly faint when you see your face in the mirror. You have big eyebags like you didn't sleep for a month.

Well after you guys eat dinner, you said to them who will they sleep with each room while you and the guys sit in the living room. You got tired last night because you assign them where they will sleep. You nearly got an headache because they are so stubborn. Doflamingo keep annoying you for the rest of the night because he don't want to share rooms with others just for this reason: I'm a king i don't want to sleep with peasants. He said that while staring at luffy.

Which nearly got into a fist fight because ace and sabo jump to beat the pinky jerk. Which marco and zoro held them back. So that is why you shout at them and threatened them that they will sleep outside if they keep fighting and they stop.

This is the arrangement; shanks, mihawk (glare at you but you glare at him also which he was surprise), doflamingo,( he cannot do about it because you glare at him and threatened him he will sleep outside), Corazon and marco are in the room one. Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Law are in the second room. (Law want to argue but he stop himself because you glare at him.)In the last room are eustass kid, ( he threatened to kill you when you said that but shanks stop him). Zoro, Sanji, Crocodile( which crocodile frown at you but he didn't argue).

After you finish your bussiness in the bathroom. You go out to the kitchen to cook your guests breakfast, you are just in the stair when you smell something good!

You follow the smell towards the kitchen and you see sanji cooking. Man its smell really good in person . You thought while smiling.

"Good morning sanji! What are you cooking?" You greet and ask him.

Sanji jumped at little and turn towards you. Eyes turning hearts.

"I'm cooking breakfast mellorine~" Sanji swoon at you.

"Just call me y/n, sanji." You sweatdropped said to him. "I will help you cook breakfast."

"No i will cook y/n-swan, just relax there, a man should work for the lady" He said to you. Smiling sweetly. "This is also showing my gratitude for letting us stay here in your house y/n- swan~"

You nod and you chuckle awkwardly. He go back cooking while you watch him. You watch amaze. Wow its really smooth in person. You thought. You only see sanji cooking in the anime and its really cool to watch. He really is expert in cooking.

You heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and you turn and see law. SHIRTLESS. He yawn and rub his eyes. Your eyes roam around his torso staring in his tattoos. You didn't realize your checking him out not until he stare at you smirking.

"Like what you see, y/n-ya?" Law said to you still smirking.

Wow his voice is so husky.... Wait what?. You thought you feel your face heat up and turn away from him.

"What is wrong with you?!? Put some shirt law there's a girl here you know!" You shout at him still not looking at him. Sanji ignored you both. Busy cooking.

Law chuckle and you heard the chair beside you move.

"Well you seem enjoying it i will stay like this because i don't have extra shirt to wear." He said to you while staring at you. Grinning.

"No i'm not! Well anyway i have some of guys clothes in the attic its from my dad you can wear it, i will get it after we have breakfast." You said to him while you look at him still have pink blush in your face focusing only in his face. "So how's your sleep?" You change the topic before he can tease you more.

He frown "Well it's not well because those three are snoring very loud and mugiwara-ya keep kicking me when i sleep so i keep waking up" he said to you while crossing his arms in his chest. He glare you when you laugh at him.

"Oh~ grumpy law~" you cooed at him. He frown at you and you can notice pink blush in his ears. He tsked.

Fast forward~

All of them are awake now well you decided to wake them up. The easiest to wake from them is those three brother when they hear the breakfast is ready they dash outside to go to the kitchen.

Marco, Eustass kid (who got angry to you for waking him up), Crocodile, Corazon are the guys you wake up normally. Marco greet you good morning while smiling at little. Crocodile just nod at you while corazon pat your head smiling down at you. (The gentle giant~)

The hardest guys to wake up are the other three men in the room one which is shanks, mihawk and lastly doflamingo. You sigh and walk towards mihawk, you are scared because what if he will kill you when you woke him up. Before you gently shake him to wake up you jump at little because he is staring at you already because he said he feel your presence coming closer to him. And he greet you good morning which surprise you.

You can only say one thing, shanks is a heavy sleeper because even you sake him violently he is still sleeping and snoring. So you decided to whisper in his ear and said : no waking up, no drinking sake, which result for him wake up and collide his forehead to you. You held your forehead same at him. He keeps saying sorry to you like he is not affected by that. He got up after that.

And lastly doflamingo, you sit beside him to gently shake him but before you can do that he grab your arm and drag you to him. Hugging you tightly while greet you good morning grinning at you while his eyes are close. He is not wearing his eyeglasses. You nearly kick him to release you but you didn't do it because he immediately let go of you.

After breakfast, which you presented to wash the plates, sanji decline saying that i need to rest because i look really tired. Well less work for you. So you decided to go to the attic to get the clothes from your late father. Ace, Sabo and marco offer help to carry the boxes to the living room which you are thankful for it.

The clothes fit perfectly to them except corazon, doflamingo and crocodile because the clothes look like croptop to them. You decided to sew them clothes using the clothes combining it so that they have something to wear. Doflamingo complain but he cannot do about it because he is already smelling bad while the other two just wear the clothes.

They go to the bathroom to take showers one by one because there are only 2 bathrooms one is beside the kitchen and the second is in your bedroom. Luffy, Ace, Sabo shower in your room to get faster they bath together. Luckily your bathroom is a little big so they fit there.

Now they are watching cartoons in the tv. Which is really weird because imagine all of them are bigger and taller than you but they are watching tom and jerry show!! (Who does not  like tom and jerry?)

It's really cute to see so that is why you reach your phone and silently take a picture of it. You giggle silently  on it after you capture it. After that you go to your bedroom to take shower also.

This is only the first day with them, what about the other days with them. You wondered in your mind as you enter the shower.


Chapter 7 is out!! I did not expect it there will be 72 reads! 🥺

Thank you very much for reading it.

Note: i cannot update tommorrow because we have a family outing so there will be no internet there. But don't worry i will post 2 chapters in sunday so stay tuned!😘

See you in the next chapter!

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