Chapter 19 - Going back

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You guys stare at the girl beside the shrine. The girl is wearing a traditional clothes. She look like around 10 or 11 years old. She is staring at you guys while smiling strangely. Your hair in the back of your throat stand up. You hide behind corazon since he is closer to you and peak behind his back. You let ace go.

The guys just stare at the girl. They was a moment of intense staring. Then the curious guy who have the name luffy. Got near to the girl and lean down to observe the girl. Sabo and Ace also got closer. The guys did not stop them. Luffy stand beside the girl.

Luffy then poke the girl in the cheek and the girl did not even blink. Ace and Sabo also do the same and it did not also move. Then one thing hit you, the girl is just staring at your form. You blink on that. Then get closer.

"Uh, hello? What's your name? You know this is a forest, right? Why are you doing here?" You ask girl non-stop. She smile at you and said:

" L/N Y/N, i have been waiting for you." The girl said robotically. 

You got confused on that. How did she know my name. You thought. Unknown to you the guys are staring also confused. This is the first they see this girl but they can feel something strange about this girl that make them uneasy.

"How do you my name?" You ask confusely at the girl. She is still smiling. That made your eyebrow twitch. Instead of answering you the girl turn away and signal you guys to follow her.

"Follow me." She said and stand infront of the shrine. She step forward then she vanish. Your eyes got wide on that. You nearly scream but zoro cover your mouth.

"Woman, don't scream we need to follow the girl." Zoro said while staring at your eyes. You can see the annoyed expression on his eyes. He removed his hand from your mouth.

"WHAT?? Are you serious?!?!? What if that girl will take us on hell?? Also, I'm still shock she knows my name?!" You whispering said to him. He just sighed deeply at you. Before he can answer you, Law cut in.

"Y-n ya, sorry to dissagree with you but we need to follow the girl, i feel something around her." Law explained.

Since you are very slow to process the words you think differently on what he said.

"Eh? Don't tell me you love at first sight on her?!?!? Are you a pedophile?!?!" You shrieked and stare at him in a disgusting way.

Law face palm and massage his temple and sighed tiredly. He stare at you like you were the biggest idiot he ever met. You got annoy on that.

"Really, y-n ya? I don't know you are such a slowpoke." Law insulted you and pinching his nose bridge. You got insulted on that. Before you can retort mihawk put his hands on both of your shoulders and lean down to your ears.

"Miss y-n, please can we follow the girl? I think she is the answer of all the question we have." Mihawk plead at you and stand straight. He turn you to him still his hands on your shoulder. You stare at his golden eyes. "Come on, you can hold my hand." He added then he hold your hand. You feel at ease on that. Well the guys narrow their eyes on the gesture but they did not just commented.

Luffy, Sabo and Ace is the first who enter and just like what happen to the girl they also dissapear. Then Law, Cora-chan, Crocy-chan and doffy is the next who enter. Then eustass, katakuri, zoro, sanji, and shanks follow. Then lastly, you, mihawk who is still holding your hand, and marco who enter last.

You stare in front of you. Is a traditional house you only see in a historical drama where in there was a small river and it was surrounded by trees. You can feel the fresh air around. But it was cloudy. Then you see the girl who said to follow her. You come near to her. The guys also followed. You are still holding on mihawk's hand.

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