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007. ❛ a demanding presence.


IT HAD BEEN TWO MONTHS SINCE Spider-Man and the Black Cat returned to New York, and things had become... interesting.

Mj unleashed her frustration on Diana, questioning where she had been and why she hadn't responded to her calls. Meanwhile, Diana had started flirting with a boy named Peter Parker at her school. As for Spider-Man and the Black Cat, they had developed a playful rivalry, with the feline thief continuously eluding the web-slinger's attempts to catch her, leaving him with a constant sense of failure.

On this particular evening, the Black Cat sat perched on a random rooftop; her gaze fixated on a jewelry store that had caught her eye—Swarovski. As midnight struck, her platinum blonde hair fluttered in the wind while her ruby-red lips curled into a chilling smirk. With a graceful leap, she descended from the rooftop, shooting her grappling hook towards another building's corner, swinging herself directly in front of the store.

Landing with elegance before the crystal clear glass doors, she surveyed her surroundings, her wristwatch confirming the timing: three minutes and fifteen seconds until the police swarmed the place. The Black Cat tiptoed through the store, her green eyes scanning the merchandise until they locked onto a dazzling diamond necklace, undoubtedly worth thousands. Its reflection in the glass case seemed to adorn her neck as she moved closer, giggling in delight.

With her hands on her chest, she admired her reflection and twirled with satisfaction. Diana grinned at the necklace, eyes shimmering from the diamonds, "You're coming home with me."

Determined to make it hers, she retrieved a small circular disc and placed it on the glass, causing it to crack slowly. Extending her claws, she lightly tapped the glass, watching it shatter and fall to the floor, granting her access to the coveted necklace.

"Oops." Diana secured the necklace around her neck, her smile widening. She caught a glimpse of herself in the nearby mirror, reveling in the perfect fit. Glancing at her wristwatch, she realized she had one minute left before the arrival of the police. Swiftly removing the necklace, she delicately placed it in a small pouch concealed within her palm. Stepping out of the store's unlocked front door, she was greeted by the chilly Manhattan air and the approaching sound of sirens.

"Poor boys in blue just don't know when to give up, do they?" Diana tutted softly with a sigh and happily walked away on the sidewalk.

A smile played across her lips as she confidently strolled along the dimly lit sidewalk, the flickering streetlight casting an eerie glow. Her footsteps remained soft, the only audible sound apart from the sirens growing nearer. Swinging the bag containing the necklace in her hand, she began humming and singing a cheerful tune. "Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows, everything that's wonderful is what I feel like when we're together—"

Her melody was abruptly interrupted as she was forcefully pulled into an alleyway, a weird substance attaching to her suit. Caught off guard, she let out a small screech before letting out a huff as she was shoved back into the brick wall. "Hey! I was singing, you know."

"Oh? Is that what that was?"

Diana blinked, finding herself face-to-face with a masked figure, his white mechanical eyes staring into hers as he hung upside down from a web in his red and blue spandex. Spider-Man, also known as a royal pain in the ass.

"Spidey, Spidey, Spidey," Diana's voice dropped into a lower, more seductive tone as she smirked at the boy. "I'm getting deja vu here, buddy."

"Hand over the necklace," Spider-Man demanded, squinting his white mechanical eyes at her. Unbeknownst to him, Diana discreetly pulled out a small black diamond-shaped device.

"But where's the fun in that?" The girl pouted innocently, batting her eyelashes softly.

"I'm waiting." The boy held out his gloved hand, waiting for the necklace.

"Oh, so demanding..." Diana trailed off, a smile playing on her lips, "You know I love it when you get like that, baby."

Feigning compliance, she entertained his demand while swiftly attaching the device to his shoulder. The boy dropped from his web, feeling a slight prick on his shoulder as the sedative from the device entered his body. Spider-Man groaned, tearing off the device and swaying momentarily as the chemicals coursed through his veins. The sedative was potent, but it hadn't fully incapacitated him.

Regaining his balance, Spider-Man's head whipped around, searching for the Black Cat, but she had vanished without a trace. "You've got to be kidding me," he groaned, frustration evident in his voice. She had slipped through his fingers so easily, and that seriously bruised his ego.

Just as he was about to give up the chase, his phone rang, displaying the profile picture of his best friend, Ned Leeds. Swiping to answer, he held the phone to his ear. "Hey, man."

"Hey, I thought we were having a Star Wars marathon right now. Where you at?" Ned's voice crackled through the phone.

"Oh, uh, I just went to buy the popcorn and snacks, you know?" Peter replied, jumping onto a rooftop. His eyes scanning every building, catching a glimpse of the Black Cat a couple of buildings away. She sent him a mischievous wave and a teasing kiss.

"Oh, okay. Are you okay, Peter? You sound a bit out of it."

"Yeah, sorry, Ned. I just... uh, ran into an old friend," Peter evaded the question, his gaze fixed on the agile figure of the Black Cat as she effortlessly leaped across rooftops.

"Who?" Ned asked because, as far as he knew, Peter was never fortunate in the friend department.

Peter sighed, his voice dropping into a whisper, "Trouble." He cleared his throat and shook his head, "Look, I'll be there in a bit, Ned."

"Alright, but don't forget to grab the drinks."

"Okay," Peter nodded, even though Ned couldn't see him, before ending the call. Taking a deep breath, he whispered to himself, "What are you doing to me, Cat?"

With swift movements, he swung himself from the alley and headed towards his hiding spot, a nearby alley where he had stashed his clothes earlier; his mind flooded with thoughts.

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon