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029. ❛ sleepover.

THE NEXT DAY, Diana sat beside Mj in a room where the Academic Decathlon team was happily having a meeting. The Vulture was finally out of her life, Peter and her had officially kissed, and she was no longer suspended from her soccer team.

"Congratulations to the Decathlon national champions!" Mr. Harrington cheered as he sat down at the head of the table. The team applauded excitedly as he placed the trophy on the table.

"I'm going to have to put this back soon, but just for motivation for this practice," Harrington chuckled, looking around at the group, "I may be a little ahead of time, but we will need a new team captain next year, so I'm appointing... Michelle!"

Mj looked up in surprise as the team applauded, and she smiled awkwardly. Diana playfully sent her a thumbs-up, which she returned with an eye roll and a smile. "Thanks, but um... My friends call me Mj."

"I thought you didn't have any friends?" Ned commented, not getting the hint.

"I didn't." She turned her gaze to Diana and smiled, which she gladly returned.

Diana grinned widely and cheered with the rest of the team. Mr. Harrington looked over at the blonde with furrowed eyebrows, "Diana? What are you doing here?"

"Uh." The girl tried to come up with an excuse on the spot, "Moral support?"

Peter's phone buzzed, and he looked at his cracked screen. 'Go to the bathroom.' the message read. He showed it to Diana and watched as she just shrugged at him. "Hey, I gotta go," Peter drawled out, thumb pointing towards the room's exit.

"Where are you going?" Mj immediately asked, leaning forward a little. Peter looked at her in question after freezing in place. "What are you hiding, Peter?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

She then relaxed and broke out in a grin. "I'm just kidding, I don't care. Bye." She laughed before turning back to the team. Peter and Diana both laughed nervously before Peter fled the room.

Diana pointed her index finger at the exit, too, gathering her stuff together, "I'm gonna go now since y'all are gonna talk smart people shit."

She grinned and waved at the group, who waved back. She walked down the school hallways until she was finally outside. Pulling a cigarette from her bag, she lit it up and walked home.

Putting earphones in her ear, she started playing some classic rock music and happily twirled to the first song that came up, singing along as she walked on the pavement of Queens.

UNLOCKING THE DOOR into her loft, Diana let out a sigh and dropped her stuff by the door, taking another puff of her cigarette. She hummed along to a song by Queen and tied her hair up in a ponytail.

She then walked into her kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. Seeing someone's reflection off of a kitchen knife, Diana grabbed it and turned around, throwing it directly at the intruder's head.

It stopped a centimeter away, a red glow holding it in place. Diana rose her eyebrows in shock and looked at the group of four standing in her living room.

First, it was Steve Rogers who gave the girl a small wave, then Wanda Maximoff who dropped the knife with her powers, then Sam Wilson who gave the girl a thin-lipped smile, and finally Natasha Romanoff who had her hands up seeing as the knife was aimed right between her eyes.

"Come on, love bug." Natasha started, "Is that any way to greet us?"

Diana grabbed the cigarette between her index and middle finger and pulled it away from her mouth, releasing a puff of smoke before exclaiming, "What the hell are you all doing here?! Do you know you're all wanted at the moment?! You could get me thrown in jail!"

"I know, and we're sorry. We just need a place to crash for a few days to get back on our feet; then, we'll be out of your hair." Natasha started slowly, trying not to cause a scene with the younger girl.

Diana took a deep breath and leaned against her kitchen counter, rubbing her temples, "You're lucky I live alone, but you can only be here for two weeks. Max. My friend's parents are going out of town, so she'll be staying with me after that."

Steve nodded, "We'll take it. I'm really sorry, but as Nat said, we just need to get on our feet, and then we'll be gone. We couldn't go to Tony's for obvious reasons, so you were our other option."

Diana nodded, "Yeah, it's alright, just a little warning would've been nice, Steve. Um, you guys could use the spare room, the couch, and one of you could stay with me. Two of you are going to double up unless one of you takes the floor."

"That's fine." Natasha nodded and pointed to the girl's cigarette, "Burn that out. No smoking while we're here. I've heard you got an addiction, so no smoking for two weeks."

Diana rolled her eyes and burned the cigarette out on a dish, "Such a mom. I have clothes you and Wanda can change into, but you boys will have to dig through my father's old clothes. He's about your size, Steve."

They all nodded and started discussing on who was going to sleep where; Wanda and Sam were taking the spare room, Steve was taking the couch, and Natasha was bunking with Diana.

Laying down later that night, watching Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, Natasha and Diana talked about a multitude of things.

"So," Diana started, turning her body to face the Russian, "What have you been doing for the past two months, Nat?"

Natasha shrugged and also turned to face the blonde, "Nothing much. I was on the run, went to a lot of different places, and ended up back in Russia, where I reunited with my family."

Diana's eyes lit up, "You have a family? Tell me about them."

Natasha gave the girl a look, "Diana..."

"Please." Diana pleaded, "I feel like I don't know much about you."

Natasha sighed; there was a reason she was so closed off, but something about the younger girl made her give in so easily. "Fine. I have a younger sister, Yelena Belova. She's a little like you, actually. You have her spirit. She's blonde and just as ruthless as anyone else. My mother, Melina Vostokoff, is a scientist. My father, Alexei Shostakoff, he's a prisoner that we broke free to eliminate the Red Room. The Red Room is Russia's covert espionage facility where you endure both an education and indoctrination into the world of spycraft."

Diana raised her eyebrows, "Damn, and you all are assassins?"

Natasha nodded with a small smile, "Pretty much."

Diana let out a breath, "Remind me to never get on your bad side then."

Natasha laughed and threw an arm over the girl, "Never. I told them about you so they'll never hurt you."

"Hey." Steve walked into the area with one of the prettiest smiles Diana had ever seen, "I made some hot chocolate if you guys want any."

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now