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001. ❛ heels and chocolate.

"I MEAN, DID YOU see those heels?" A girl exclaimed excitedly, her platinum blonde hair shimmering under the store's bright lights. Diana Black smiled brightly as she gazed up at her curly-haired friend, Michelle Jones.

Mj let out a sigh, her eyes momentarily scanning the display window before settling on Diana. "Yes, Diana, I did. As I have with every other pair of heels in that store that you found fascinating." The two friends had embarked on a shopping expedition, and a particular pair of striking ruby red heels had captured Diana's attention with an unwavering grip.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Diana walked alongside Mj as they exited the store, turning her head to face her friend. "You could at least pretend to be excited, M."

Mj chuckled softly, her voice laced with a hint of affectionate exasperation. "Sorry, D, you know I'm not into shoes like you are. Besides, it'll be getting dark soon, and we should head home," she said, her concern palpable as she motioned toward the breathtaking sunset painting the sky with hues of purple and pink.

A mischievous grin spread across Diana's face as the vibrant colors cast an ethereal glow upon her features. "Oh, come on," she pleaded, a touch of adventure sparkling in her eyes. "We'll be fine. Just a little more time to enjoy the evening. And should anything happen, I'll protect you, my darling dearest M."

With a roll of her eyes, Mj playfully nudged Diana's shoulder. "Funny, but I'm serious, D. My dad will freak if I don't tell him I have plans. You know how protective he can be."

Diana's grin softened into a wistful smile. She sighed, a flicker of maturity shining through her usually carefree demeanor. "Yeah, I'll walk you home if you'd like; these streets do get dangerous at night. Trust me, I would know." She looked away from her friend, and at the jewelry store they passed by, a flash of something dark and mischievous flooded her eyes for a moment.

Mj returned Diana's smile, "Thanks, D," she murmured, a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes. The bond between the two girls ran deep, built on a foundation of trust and mutual support.

Diana linked arms with Mj, their steps now directed toward Mj's home. As they strolled beneath the fading daylight, the air filled with their laughter and the whispered promises of future adventures.

STEPPING INTO HER CLANDESTINE "base of operations," Diana Black peeled off her diamond-shaped eye mask, revealing a pair of piercing green eyes filled with a hint of weariness and defiance. She strode across the room, a space filled with an array of tools and gadgets, and reached for the chocolate bar, casually resting on a table amidst the chaos.

Sighing deeply, she settled into a sleek, black chair, her feet nonchalantly propped up on the table, legs crossed with an air of casual rebellion. "Let's see what we got today," she mused, retrieving a delicate ivory satin bag that emitted a tantalizing jingle as she gently tugged at its drawstring.

With gloved hands, Diana dipped her fingers into the bag, retrieving a tiny, glistening diamond. Holding it up to the moonlight that filtered through her window, she reveled in the way it danced and sparkled, casting fragmented beams of light across her face. It symbolized her skill, her audacity, and the allure of the shadows that both embraced and consumed her.

Taking a bite of the chocolate bar, Diana froze as a faint creak echoed from behind her. Her instincts sharpened, and she swiftly grabbed a discarded gun from the desk, spinning around with precision, and trained the weapon on the intruder's head. It was none other than Clint Barton, known as Hawkeye, a man with a reputation that had preceded him.

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now