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020. ❛ detention.

"THIS PAST WEEKEND, Midtown's Academic Decathlon team defeated the country's best to win the national championship. Later that day, they also defeated death." Said the boy on the small television for the school's morning announcements. He overdramatized the entire event.

Abraham came onscreen, "Explosions. Sally scream. Flash scream. Everybody screaming." He rambled.

"There were purple lasers and smoke everywhere. It was fucking tight, just like a Bon Jovi concert." Continued another team member.

"As you know, we made it out alive, and that's the important thing." Mr. Harrington stated, then looked off into the distance with a worried face, "Couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip... not again."

"Thankfully, no one was seriously injured thanks to the Spider-Man and a mysterious new superhero girl who has recently come up on the scene."

Peter walked down the halls and stared up at the screens in amazement and pride. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips when he roused the corner and caught sight of his best friend.

"Dude, dude, dude!" Ned ran over to Peter excitedly. "What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?"

Peter looked around for a moment, then back at Ned. "Crazy, dude!" He whispered and widened his eyes.

"It's crazy," Ned grinned and looked at the students around before sighing, "Should we tell everyone?"

"No." Peter immediately shook his head.

"Should I tell everyone?" Ned proposed with a lift of his eyebrow.

"Tell everyone what?" Diana asked as she walked up to the pair. The bags under her eyes made it clear she was exhausted, but the smudged black eyeliner contrasted beautifully with her green eyes, taking the attention off her exhausted state.

"About Spider-Man." Ned grinned wider as he excitedly turned to the girl before it dropped as both Peter and Diana deadpanned at the boy.

Peter looked at Ned and pointed at Diana, "She knows."

Ned turned to Peter, absolutely shell-shocked, and pointed a finger at Diana, "She knows?!"

Diana's eyes widened as she fully turned to Peter, pointing a finger at Ned, "He knows?!"

Peter inhaled sharply and shut his eyes, shaking his head as he tried to gather his thoughts. "Yes, both of you know. Jesus, just don't speak so loud."

"You're an idiot," Diana scoffed, knowing there was a strong possibility that Ned could slip up.

"Oh yeah." Ned agreed and nodded his head, not entirely trusting the blonde either.

Peter internally winced, "Uh, ouch?"

"Whatever, okay, let's just go to class," Diana motioned ahead, and Ned nodded along.

"Oh, I'm not going to class," Peter spoke up confidently.

Ned sighed before he turned around. "Dude, you're already in so much trouble for ditching the Decathlon, both of you," he said.

"I know, I'll figure it out, okay? The wingsuit guy is stealing from Damage Control, and what he takes from Damage Control, that's how he builds his weapons; all we gotta do is catch him," Peter explained to the boy with a shrug.

"But we have a Spanish quiz..." Ned trailed off, his hand pointing down the hall.

"I agree, we have to focus on school, Pete," Diana added.

"Guys, I'm probably never gonna come back here. Mr. Stark is moving the Avengers upstate, so when I bring this guy in—"

"Dude, you wanna be a high school drop-out?" Ned asked in disbelief.

"I'm so far beyond high school right now," Peter smirked slightly, stepping back before they could try to convince him otherwise.

"Parker!" Mr. Morita, Midtown high's principal, called as soon as he rounded the corner toward the exit. "My office. You too, Black, I know you're there so don't you dare run away again."

MR. MORITA LET THEM off with a week of detention, starting tomorrow, which was all good until they both sat in a cold classroom on uncomfortable chairs staring at a TV.

"So, you got detention. You screwed up. You know what you did was wrong, but now's the question: how are you gonna make things right? Maybe you were trying to be cool. Take it from a guy who's been frozen for 65 years. The only thing you can do to really be cool is to follow the rules," Captain America told them in an old video recording.

"I'm gonna kill him when I see him again," Diana grumbled under her breath as she sank further into her seat and glared into Steve's blue eyes that shone brightly on the TV.

Peter didn't even turn his head to look at her, he just stared forward with a locked jaw. All of a sudden, he jumped to his feet, heaved his backpack onto his shoulder, and headed out of the classroom.

The supervisor had been playing a game on his laptop, so he didn't even notice until Peter was already outside. He did call, "Hey, get back here!" after him, but got ignored.

Diana groaned in annoyance, then shortly mouthed an apology to Mj, who was just there to keep Diana company, and went after the boy, not making as much noise as Peter.

After throwing a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure the hallway was empty, Peter lifted up a row of lockers and grabbed the spare bottle of web fluid he had hidden under there.

Diana rounded the hallway just as he let the lockers down, "You do know that can be considered vandalism, right? That's against the law."

Peter snorted and turned his head to face her but continued walking, "Since when did you give a crap about the law? Last I checked, you're one crime away from being on Interpol's Red Notice."

Diana raised her eyebrows and sped up to walk side by side with the boy, "Someone did their homework."

Peter gave her a nod and held open the door that led out of school, "Of course I did. When I found out who you really were, did you just think I'd not do research? I'm not that stupid."

"Hey." Diana caught his arm and stopped him from walking further, "What are we gonna do? I know sure as hell you didn't just leave detention to go catch some shut-eye."

"Look, I can't just drop this whole deal with the wing guy. They could do something really bad, and the last time I interrupted a meeting, there was this guy who was buying their weapons. If I can find out who he is and talk to him, then maybe we might have a chance at taking these guys down."

Diana nodded, "Alright, but let me go with you. I could be useful."

Peter shook his head and continued walking, "No, once I find him, I'll text you the location and time so you can meet me there, okay?"

Diana sighed and reluctantly nodded, "Fine, but you better."

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now