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Sam and Ana were greeted by every member of the Traum Women's Cultural Society. The lunch was delicious. Sam had meatloaf with potatoes and gravy. Ana had tomato and cheese casserole with broccoli in cheese sauce. For dessert, they each had a slice of cheesecake with strawberries.

A chipper woman in a green dress hurried up to them just as they were finishing. She introduced herself as Sophie LeBaron and shook hands with each of them. "Will you both come with me?"

Sam and Ana stood from the table and followed Sophie. She led them to the back of a stage set up in the middle of a green area. A teenage boy came up and handed them each a bottle of water. They thanked him and Sophie turned to Sam. " So, Sam. Kelly is going to give a short speech. She'll talk a little about the town and the festival and then she'll introduce you and call you out on stage. Sam swallowed nervously but nodded at Sophie. "After that," she continued, "it will be your turn to speak. At the end of your speech, introduce the acts for today and then you can come back here. Sound good?"

Sam started to speak but Sophie said, "Good-good," and walked away. Sam's mouth was hanging open. He turned to Ana.

"Wait, did you hear anyone say anything about giving a speech? I don't have a speech. I hate giving speeches." He looked around for someone to talk to. He spotted the kid with the water bottles. Sam stomped over to him. "Hey, I need to talk to Kelly, they said I'm supposed to give a speech but--"

The boy interrupted Sam. "Yeah, don't worry. You are speaking right after Kelly. Then you give your speech and introduce the acts for today."

"The acts? But- "

"Yeah, that's it."

So many objections came to Sam's mind but the one that came out of his mouth was, "I don't know what the acts are!"

The boy looked at Sam like he was stupid. "They are in the program." Then he walked away.

"I don't have a program!" Sam said to the space left behind the boy.

"Let's find one," Ana suggested. They spread out to look for anyone who looked like they might have programs.

A woman from the Society approached Ana. She launched into a long story about something that had happened to her when she was camping in the woods as a child while Ana tried to get away to find a program.

Finally, the woman stopped talking. Ana chuckled and hoped she sounded like she appreciated the anecdote. The woman told her she was sweet and walked away to talk to someone else. It was at that moment that Ana realized she had to pee.

She could hold it. She had to help Sam. Danielle, the girl from the hotel, ran up to Ana next. She was crying. "Ana! Thank goodness. I can't find Josh. I've been searching forever. Please help me."

Danielle looked so panicked. Ana knew she had to help her. Sam would survive if he made a fool of himself on stage, she couldn't leave Danielle lost in a strange place. She hoped she'd find a program while she helped Danielle find Josh.

"Come on." She took Danielle's hand and led her to the front of the stage. Ana scanned the crowd while Danielle sobbed. She spotted a man handing out programs at the other end of the center aisle. As soon as Danielle was safe, she would grab one for Sam.

A man in jeans and a yellow t-shirt that said 'Security' walked up to Ana and Danielle. He asked if everything was OK and offered to help Danielle find Josh. He called someone on a walkie-talkie and took Danielle by the hand. He grinned and tilted his head to the side. "It's my pleasure." Ana hurried to get a program.

Kelly took the stage as Ana pushed her way down the aisle. The man handed her a program and looked like he wanted to chat but Ana smiled and thanked him and hurried as fast as she could toward the backstage area.

Kelly was inviting Sam on stage as Ana hurried around to the backstage stairs. Kelly called him again and he snatched the program from Ana's fingertips, mouthed "Thank You", and allowed the kid with the water to shove him on stage.


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