Ana Gets Distracted

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Ana needed to find Sam. Right now. Something was very wrong. She needed to get away before Kelly came back because Kelly was trying to keep her from Sam. It seemed totally crazy but Ana knew it was true.

When Ana stood up, Josh and Danielle looked up at her. "Where are you going, Ana?" Danielle asked.

Ana felt weird. She didn't want to worry Josh and Danielle but something warned her that she shouldn't share her suspicions with them. Ana forced a smile. I'm just going to run to the restroom. I'll be right back.

"I'll go with you," Danielle offered. She sounded so chipper.

"Oh, no," Ana tried to sound casual, "you can stay and finish your ice cream."

"We can both come," Josh said. "I'll hold Danielle's ice cream." They stood up.

Ana would have to find a way to ditch them later. She needed to leave this area before Kelly came back and that could be any time. Ana looked around and then nodded to Josh and Danielle. She led them toward the permanent bathroom she had gone into earlier because it was further from where they were than the port-a-potties.

Ana moved quickly. Danielle nearly had to run to keep up. "Um, Ana, the restroom isn't going anywhere," Danielle called.

"Sorry," Ana called over her shoulder, "When you gotta go you gotta go." Ana's eyes darted through the crowd. Sam had to be here somewhere. They walked past the rides. There were several and Ana allowed the crowd to slow her down so she could scan the lines for her brother. She didn't see him. Ana's was starting to panic. He had to be here, somewhere, didn't he?

They passed the rides and walked between canopies covering different competitions. There was a pie contest and a chili cook-off. Some teenagers were showing off pigs and sheep.

Ana was starting to feel desperate. Where was Sam?

Ana led the other two toward the restroom. The restroom had a line. She joined the queue and Josh and Danielle came to stand next to her. Danielle was talking about something but Ana wasn't listening. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Her eyes stung and she fought to keep from crying. She could feel the fear rising in her chest.

Josh was talking to her. "What do you want to ride, Ana?"

Ana looked at him. It took a second for his words to process. "Um. . . I don't know if I want to ride anything. I really need to check in with Sam."

Josh laughed. "Sam'll find you later. Danielle was going to head back to the hotel for a while. We could ride something together. Just you and me."

Ana was surprised to see Josh blush. Was he flirting with her? He grinned at her but seemed nervous. Ana felt herself blush. She wasn't sure what to say. She hadn't really paid attention, but Josh was cute. If everything hadn't been so crazy she probably would have noticed it earlier. He was waiting for her to answer. "Oh, um. . . yeah, I mean we could ride something until I find Sam." Once the words were out of her mouth Ana wondered what she'd been worried about. She knew Sam was here somewhere. He'd find her.

They'd reached the front of the bathroom line so Ana excused herself. She used the restroom and then moved to the sink. The mirror above it was foggy but she used it to check her appearance. She was smoothing her hair when Danielle came out of a stall.

Danielle grinned at her. "Your hair looks fine, Ana. Josh likes it."

Ana looked at her. She felt her cheeks get hot. "I um-"

Danielle's laughter interrupted her. "It's ok. I won't tease you. Much. I'm gonna head back to the hotel now. That way you and my brother can be alooone." She smiled again and stuck her tongue out.

Ana couldn't help but laugh. She followed Danielle outside to find Josh.


If you like carnival rides, vote!  If you like fair food, vote!  If you think something creepy is going on, vote!  Then, tell me in the comments what you think. :-)

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