Into Darkness

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Kelly Brook hurried down the steps and pulled Ana and Sam into a warm hug. "We were so afraid we had lost you," she said into Ana's hair. Kelly took a step back and smiled at them. "Come on, you two, you don't want to miss the fireworks."

Josh walked down the steps next. He stood next to Ana and linked his fingers through hers. "Come on," he said softly, "Danielle is saving us a spot."

On the other side, Donnie strode up to Sam. "Man, not cool, Lydia is pretty annoyed that you ditched her like that." Donnie grinned, "Don't worry, bro, we'll stop and get cotton candy on the way back. I'm sure she'll forgive you once she's high on sugar."

Ana watched a range of emotions flit along her brother's face. Kelly took her free hand, the one Josh wasn't holding, and gently tugged. "Come on sweetheart. It's OK. You are safe, now. We can get treats and go watch the fireworks. Sammy is coming too, right Sam?"

Ana looked from Kelly to Josh to Donnie and finally to Sam. "It's not real," she breathed.

Kelly's hand felt warm and comforting--almost like a mother's. Kelly squeezed her fingers and smiled so sweetly.

Ana shook her head and pulled her hand from Kelly's. Ana reached for Sam instead. She tugged on his arm and, after a moment, he turned to face her. "It's not real, Sammy."

Sam's brow furrowed and Ana continued. "Nothing makes sense. Not the train, the hotel, the people, even how easily we got lost in the first place. And now, now we can't get out. But we have to. Because it isn't real."

Ana turned her face to Kelly Brook and smiled at her. "Thank you for caring for us. Thank you for feeding us and watching over us and making us feel wanted." Kelly's face didn't change. She still smiled happily at Ana.

Ana turned to Josh. "I think you are real. You and Danielle. I don't know how many others but I think you are real." Ana squeezed his hand and then let go, "But this isn't real. You should come with us. Get Danielle and come with us. We'll get you home."

Josh tilted his head to the side. "Danielle is waiting for us at the fireworks."

Ana nodded sadly and a lump formed in her throat as she took a step away. "It was nice to meet you both. I hope you are very happy." Ana turned back to Sam.

She put her hands on the sides of his face and looked into his eyes. "We need to go."

Sam pursed his lips. "Where, Ana? We walked and walked and just ended up here, again."

Ana pointed behind him-- into the woods. "We have to walk away. The train tracks are part of it. They will always lead us back here. We have to get lost again. We have to go back into the woods."

Sam took her shoulders. "It isn't safe, Ana. We could be lost forever."

Ana shrugged, "If we stay here, we will be lost forever."

Sam pursed his lips again but nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

Ana held his hand and started to walk into the woods. Sam took one last look at the train station and the people gathered there and then turned to face the darkness of the forest.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sorry it's such a short chapter.   I'm hoping it lands.  Please let me know what you think so I know if it's being received the way I intentioned it.



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