And Now This

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Ana ran around to the side so she could watch him. Sam was not a public speaker. He didn't even like to answer questions aloud in class. He was bright red when he approached the microphone. Ana hoped he wouldn't freeze. She crossed her fingers and held her breath.

Sam opened his mouth, closed it, and waved. The crowd applauded and laughed. He opened his mouth again. "Hi."

Ana groaned but then joined in the laughter. She really needed to pee but she had to stay until Sam was done.

Sam mumbled and stumbled through giving his name and Ana's, explaining that they had been lost and found the train stop. Then he thanked the ladies from the Cultural Society. Then he opened the program and started reading it out to the audience.

Once he had finished he turned from the mic without saying anything and almost ran off the stage. Ana hurried back to meet him and threw her arms around his neck. He rested his forehead on her shoulder and groaned. "That was worse than being lost in the woods."

Ana laughed but was sympathetic, "I'm so sorry, Sammy!"

Sam groaned and sat on the ground. He put his head between his knees. Ana squatted next to him and rubbed his back. She needed to find a bathroom but couldn't leave Sam like this. She nudged him. "Come on, Sam."

Sam groaned again.

"Sam, come on. I gotta pee. We need to go find a restroom."

Sam peeked up at her. He grimaced and then climbed to his feet. She stood up, too.

It looked like there were port-a-potties near the edge of the green, Sam and Ana went to look but there was a line of at least 20 people. At the other side of the green was a block building that looked like it might be a public restroom.

Ana practically sprinted across to the building. It was a bathroom, but all three of the stalls were backed up and human waste covered the seats and the floor. Ana ran back out with her hand over her nose. Sam went in to check the men's room. It was empty but just as Ana started to go inside, a group of men walked in.

Ana felt like her eyeballs must be floating. Sam looked at her. "Wanna try to make it back to the hotel?" She didn't say anything. She just nodded and they took off toward the hotel. The lobby bathroom was occupied and Ana wasn't sure she'd make it as she waited for the elevator to take them to their room. Finally, outside the room, she danced a jig while Sam opened the door. The key was misbehaving and it took Sam three tries to get the door unlocked.

"Thanks," Ana cried and pushed her way past him and into the bathroom. It was the greatest pee of her life. When Ana was finished, she came out to find Sam waiting by the room door.

"We should go down to the desk and see if we can find out what is happening with Gran."

Ana nodded and they walked back to the elevator. In the lobby, they waited behind a teenage girl who seemed more interested in chatting with the guy at the desk than actually getting the mail she had come down to pick up.

When the girl took her mail, flirted another minute, and then left, Ana and Sam stepped up to the desk. The guy at the front desk held up a finger and answered the phone. After greetings, he said, "hold on, let me check," put the caller on hold, and walked away from the desk without even acknowledging Ana and Sam.

"Well, hi there!" A familiar voice sounded cheerful behind them. They turned and saw Kelly striding across the lobby toward them. "We were worried when you took off after the opening. Are you two Ok?"

"I'm sorry, I really needed to use the restroom and the line was too long at the park," Ana said, apologetically.

Kelly's smile got wider. "No problem at all, sweetie. You ready to come back to the festival? There are rides."

"Um, actually," Sam said, "we were hoping to see if we could get some news on our Grandmother. We're not even sure if she has been found, yet."

Kelly's smile slipped, "Are you in a hurry to leave us?"

Sam smiled and shook his head, "Oh, no, you've all been really nice, we're just worried."

Kelly's face was sympathetic. "Well of course you are, sweetie. Don't worry, though, there is nothing to worry about. Come on back with me and we'll find you something to take your mind off of it."

Kelly took Sam's hand in her left and Ana's in her right and led them back out of the hotel.

Ana wanted to feel reassured but it occurred to her that Kelly never actually answered their questions about Gran.


Does anyone else have the pee dream?  You know, the one where you really have to go but can't find a place to go.  Tell me it's not just me.

Vote if you think something is suspicious!

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