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After locking up with William, we left the diner. He hopped into my car and we drove off to pick up his kids.

I was excited to see Elizabeth, Evan and Michael again. I hadn't seen them in a long while. If you count seven days as 'a while...'

When they were younger, I saw them very frequently. William had been a single father since Evan was born; his wife had died during childbirth. Tragic. But William was totally indifferent about it. He didn't seem very upset when he heard his wife had died. He did, however, seem slightly annoyed when he realized he would have to raise 3 kids by himself.

So Henry and I often went over to his house to help him take care of his kids. Michael was about 9 and Elizabeth was around 2 when their mother had passed away; both too young to realize what had happened. Though, I'm sure at some point, Michael understood that his mom had passed away.

Through taking care of the three kids so often and so much, Henry and I almost became their parents alongside Will.

At one point, Evan was calling me 'mommy' and 'mama'.

I didn't know whether or not to put a stop to that. Michael and Elizabeth never seemed to mind, though they never called me mom. Not sincerely, at least. I've heard Michael accidentally call me mom a couple times, but it was more in line with how one would call their teacher mom. 

Of course, I don't expect them to call me mom, nor do I want that. I'm not their mom and I'm not Clara's replacement/stand in. I'm just a friend of their father's who helps him every now and then. 

It had been 5 years since their mother died. And 5 years since Evan was born.

Upon pulling up to the school, we saw Michael getting ready to go home with his two siblings in tow. They noticed their father in the driver's seat, though they didn't recognize the car he drove. 

I think all three of them were happy to be picked up rather than having to walk home, so they got into the backseat of the car without any contest. I stayed quiet as we began moving. 

Elizabeth was drawing something, Evan was playing with his Fredbear plush and Michael was staring out the window. None of them noticed me in the car.

"So, how was school?" I asked. I saw all three of their heads perk up like dogs hearing a bag of treats. 

"(Y/N)!!" They all exclaimed at once.

"Hey hey! long time no see, eh?" I turn around in my seat beside William to see the kids with big smiles all crammed into the back seat.

"(Y/N)! What're you doing here!" Michael asked, trying to mask his unwavering smile.

"I came with Willy to pick you up!" I received a side glare from William upon saying the nickname. That just means I gotta say it more.

I heard Michael laugh silently at his Father's glare towards me. "I thought we were going to have to walk all the way home!"

"Not on my watch, Mikey. Don't you worry, I already berated your father for turning you guys into latchkey kids," I say. But 'berate' is an exaggerated term. 

And soon, we arrived at the famous Afton household. 

William and I walked into the house. I fell down onto his living room couch, not really having anything to do. Breathing a sigh of relief. The couch had become my second bed when I used to take care of the kids nearly full time. 

"(Y/N)..?" Elizabeth walked up to me sheepishly.

"Yes, Lizzie?" I sat up from my place on the couch and took Elizabeth's tiny hands into mine. 

"Do you wanna have a tea party with me? Daddy says he doesn't want to."

"What! He doesn't wanna have a tea party with you??" I gawk. How could he not wanna have a tea party with this angel? 

Elizabeth shook her head.

"Wha-! EY, WILLY!!" I called across the house.

"Wat!!" William yelled back.


William trotted over. "What?" He asked, just a tiny bit annoyed.

Without saying anything, I grabbed his hand and my bag and dashed to the bathroom with Elizabeth in tow. I could tell William was confused and almost fearing what his fate would be. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you," I recite jokingly. 

"I want my lawyer!!" he whines. 

I plopped him down on the toilet. Maybe we should've brought a chair... whatever, we can make do.

"Your dearest Elizabeth told me you don't wanna have tea parties with her. Is this correct, Mr. Afton?" I stood, leering over William. Mocking an interrogation tone.

"Why yes, it is, Ms. (L/N). I do not wish to take part in Lizzie's tea parties." Will replied, parroting my mocked tone.

"Hm, how unfortunate that you won't go willingly." I looked to Elizabeth. "Looks like there's only one thing to do, huh, Lizzie?" I drew a makeup palette from my bag and watched Elizabeth's eyes widen with excitement and William's eyes widen with fear.

"So, Mr. Afton, will you be coming to Lizzie's tea party?" I smirked.

William grew a smug face.

"Make me."

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