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"So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" I placed the palette on the bathroom counter. "Elizabeth! Restrain him." I pointed at William dramatically. 

Elizabeth ran towards her father and took him by the wrists. Holding them as tight as she could. William played along, gently thrashing and "trying" to get out of Elizabeth's grasp. 

"We're gonna make you sooo pretty, Daddy! Then you'll look perfect for my tea party!" Elizabeth cackled, evilly. 

"Nooo!" William dramatically yelled to the ceiling. 

"Alright, Elizabeth! What do we start with?" I ask. 

"Lipstick!! Make his lips pretty!" Elizabeth shouted. 

Dramatically, I drew lipstick from my bag and watched with pleasure as William's eyes widened. I couldn't tell if he was just playing along or if he was genuinely scared. 

I walked over to William, bringing the lipstick out of its tube and applied it to his mouth. I saw him crack a smile, only for a little bit. I could tell he was enjoying all the attention. 

"Aaand, done." I finished with the lipstick. William's lips looked nice and red. 

William winked and blew a kiss to me. I chuckled, shoving my hand into his cheek. 

"Alright, Miss Afton, what next?" I asked Elizabeth as I put my lipstick away.

"Make his eyes look pretty!" 

I got out my eyeliner and eyeshadow and quickly got to work. I grabbed his chin to make him look up at me. I swear i saw his cheeks tint pink. 

"Finished! Whaddya think, Miss Afton?" 

Elizabeth examined her father's face. "He's beautiful! It's perfect! I'm gonna go set up for the tea party!" 

"Well, that was degrading." William commented. 

"How so? You look so hot now." I told him, sarcasm lacing my voice as I elbowed him. His makeup was so very unattractive and over the top. 

"What, so you're saying I wasn't hot before??" 

"Oh, no, you were, I-"

"Oh, so you're saying I'm hot." William smirked. 

I smiled uncontrollably and rolled my eyes. "No, Clara's the hot one. You're the ugly one." 

William pretended to be hurt. "Aren't you the one who always tells me that Michael looks so much like me?"

"Michael inherited his charm from Clara, not you." 

Our bickering and banter are cut short when we heard Elizabeth's footsteps coming back to the bathroom. We saw her peer around the corner. 

The little girl smiled and grabbed William and mines' hands and took us to her room where a small pink table was set up with a teapot and three cups. We all took a seat and Elizabeth began pouring imaginary tea into our cups. 

"Why, thank you, Elizabeth!" William and I both thanked. 

"Myyyy pleasure!" 

I saw a tall, dark haired head streak past Elizabeth's door. 

"Hey, Mike!" The boy backtracked and poked his head into the doorway. "Come join us!"

"No, I don't want to. And I don't want to look like Father. He already looks stupid enough, why'd you make him look stupider?" Michael snarled. 

"You already look like him, might as well admit defeat, kid. Besides you and your father look handsome, not stupid." I rolled my eyes a little, my comment earning a chuckle and a smile from William. 

Michael sighed in defeat, taking a seat next to me. "One glass of your hardest alcohol, please." Michael said to Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth bapped Michael on the head. "We don't serve that here, dummy. We only have tea!" 

"Fine, I'll have your finest tea, then." Michael sighed. Elizabeth poured him an imaginary cup of tea. 

"C-can I join?" Evan sheepishly walked in, clutching his Fredbear plush to his chest. 

"Yes! Another customer!" Elizabeth exclaimed. 

"I thought we were doing tea party, not tea cafe?" William asked. 

"You're having a tea party at my tea cafe." Elizabeth replied, grabbing an extra cup and filling it up. William nodded. 

Evan sat down between Mike and William, smiling through his red nose and puffy eyes. 

I made sure to comfort the little boy, but I could feel Michael's jealousy begin to bottle up inside of him. 

"So what have you been up to, Michael?" I asked him. I didn't want him to feel forgotten and abandoned in favor of Evan. 

Michael's demeanor changed ever so slightly. "It was okay," he responded. "School was boring."

"What happened to make it so boring?"

"All of my friends played hooky but I didn't... so, my day was just boring without them," Michael said. 

I knew why he didn't skip school with his friends. Despite his aloof behavior, he wants to please his father more than anything. So that's why he didn't play hooky. Because if William found out, their relationship would fall apart even more. 

I rubbed Michael's back, something my parents used to do that I liked. "I'm proud of you," I told him, hoping the words of affirmation would at least put a smile on his face.

And it did. Michael smiled at me. "Thank you, (Y/n)."

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