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I couldn't sleep that night knowing the next day I'd planned to take a child's life. I tossed and turned restlessly.

William seemed to sleep pretty sound.

I got out of bed and left the house and walked down to the park a few blocks down.

The dark night was eerie and kept me on my toes.

That was when I saw it. A transparent woman that was nothing but a white outline. It was her again, the weird ghost thing from the hospital.

I approached her. Her features becoming more clear as I got closer. Her face was familiar, I'd seen it before, but where?

It was a face I hadn't seen in 10 years. Clara.

My eyes widened. "Clara?!" I yelled.

A soft smile appeared on her face as she opened her arms. I quickly ran to her, embracing her.

"(Y/N)," She sighed.

"Clara!" I never thought I'd ever get to see her again.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

"F-for what?"

"For raising my children." She smiled, looking down at me. "You're the only person I'd ever want to be their mother. They love you. You make my children happy, you make my William happy. Thank you."

My smile faltered. "But Elizabeth's dead and Evan's in a coma! Both are my fault; I wasn't watching them, I wasn't fast enough to stop it." I sighed. "But I still have a chance to save Evan."

Clara's warm smile faded as she looked at me with a saddened look. "(Y/N), I know what you're going to do. Please, don't put those families through that. Let the circle of life claim Evan, he can be with me-"

"No! I can't let Evan die! Not when I have the power to save him!" I cut Clara off.

I know it's wrong. Of course it's wrong. But the ends justify the means... right? Right??

"(Y/N), think of how devastated those families will be. Don't do this. It's not worth it."

"'It's not worth it' ? Clara, this is Evan! Your son! How can he not be worth it?!"

"Taking other children's lives isn't worth saving a singular life." She kept her calm, soft voice.

"Y-you don't know what you're on about... I- I need to.. I..."

"(Y/N), this won't help him."

"It will! It will. William said it will. I-I saw it for myself, the remnant healed his injuries! It healed his cracked skull! All we need is more remnant!"

"(Y/N), you're in denial. Please, it's going to be okay-"

"No! I'm perfectly fine!" Tears pricked my eyes. "I can't let my boy die. If you were in my position, you'd do the same. You'd give anything to keep him alive, you wouldn't care what it costs!"

Clara looked at me with pity.

"I would've done the same thing for Elizabeth if I could've." I cried. "Please, you need to understand.."

Clara expression seemed to change. "You know, (Y/N).. Elizabeth is still alive."

"..What? How??" My eyes went wide.

"The same way Charlie's still alive."

Circus Baby. Her soul is in Circus Baby.

I remembered Circus Baby's eyes, her dark blackened eyes coming back to life with that same emerald green hue that Elizabeth had.

"She- no. It-..." I couldn't speak, I couldn't believe it.

"(Y/N), please don't do this. Don't go through with your plan tomorrow. Let Evan be with his mother."

"I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't just let him die." I sighed. "It was good seeing you after so long, Clara. But nothing you say can change my mind. I will save my boy."

I returned home and got back into bed.

William seemed to stir when he felt the bed shift under me. I laid down, closing my eyes when I felt a weigh on my chest. William laid his head on my chest and as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I rested my hand on his head and slowly closed my eyes to fall asleep, drifting away, awaiting the events of the next day.

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