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We returned home after the long day. It had been especially long since I'd constantly be reminded of Elizabeth. 

William let me out of his car and I stepped inside his house. I'd been basically living here since William and I started working on Circus Baby's. 

"You spending another night?" William asked, walking past me into the house.

"If you'll have me." 

"You might as well move in. You've been here almost every night for a year now." William offered. 

"I'll take you up on that offer." 

William smiled 

"Alrighty then, Darling, let's go move your stuff over!" William took my hand and lead me out of the house.

"Wha- now??" It seemed like such a taxing task. I wasn't in the mood to do so. 

"Oh, when'dya wanna move in? Next year? C'mon, we've got time to kill, we can move your stuff!" 

"A-alright." William started his car back up and drove to my house. I felt tired and drained so I just stared out the window and watched the scenery go by. I thought about Elizabeth every other minute. It was a really hard thing to stop thinking about. Especially when I got little to no closure.

The thought of Elizabeth drained me even more. And the intimidating task of moving my things seemed to be even more tedious now. 

But luckily, I had a small house; I never liked the idea of having a big house if I lived alone, so there wasn't much to bring. Just all of my clothes and a couple boxes of my stuff. 

Clearing my desk, I came across my picture frame. In the frame, was a picture of Henry, Will and I on the opening day of the diner. 

"Hey, Will. Come look at this," I called out to him. 

William walked over and looked at the image. "Hm. How nostalgic." He simply said and walked away. 

I guess he's more upset with Henry than I am... Maybe he just doesn't wanna see Henry right now. I can understand that.

I continued to pack up the rest of my room into boxes. 

"Alright, that should be the rest of it." I loaded my last box into Williams car. "Thanks for helping me move." I tried to smile at William. 

"Of course, Love."

"Love?" I smiled at him, my mind finally being able to be taken off of Elizabeth for the first time in a little while. "That's new," I remark.

"Hm, get used to it." William smirked, walking past me and getting into the car. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

William chuckled as he started the car. 

"Does this mean you love meeee?" I teased. 

William rolled his eyes and stared down at me. "Yes."

I laughed because I thought it was a joke. 

I mean, this was my friend of how many years! Never once have I thought he liked me in that way. Besides, he had a wife and then had children with that wife. I'm no homewrecker! 

But William didn't laugh. And when William didn't laugh, I felt my stomach drop. I didn't know if it dropped in a good way or a bad one. But it definitely made me feel butterflies. 

"Wait, huh-"

Partner In Crime, I Suppose || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now