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William and I left to visit Evan once the party was over. It was dark out and Henry still couldn't locate Charlie. 

But that wasn't our main concern. Our main concern was healing Evan. 

We walked down the long corridor and found Evan's room. The door was cracked open. I could hear someone speaking inside. 

I heard a woman's faint voice.

"I will put you back together." She said.

I could see her, but only barely through the crack of the door. Her body was transparent; she was only a white outline of a person. It was as if someone traced her but didn't bother to color her in.

A ghost?

The odd woman turned her head towards me and William. Her eyes went wide and she disappeared. She quickly faded away as soon as she saw us.

"Did you see that?" I turned to William.

"See what?"

Am I seeing things?

"Never mind."

I walked up to Evan's bed and brought out the jar from my purse. 

I rubbed the orange substance on his forehead. The goo was quickly absorbed by Evan's skin. Almost immediately after, Evan's eyes fluttered open. They looked tired even though he'd been asleep for weeks. 

I gasped. 

It worked. There's no way! It actually worked!

"Hey, hey!" I called out to a doctor passing by. "The boy in room 1080 just opened his eyes!"

The doctor's eyes widened. "Afton?! Afton opened his eyes?!" He exclaimed, rushing to Evan's room.

A couple nurses joined him.

The doctor ordered a scan of Evan's brain and an X-ray of Evan's skull.

"It worked!" William cheered.

"He's going to be okay!"

We waited a long while until the doctor came back with results.

"Mrs. And Mr. Afton, I presume?"

"Yes." William answered for us.

"Well, sir, ma'am, I have great news! Miraculously, the trauma done to his skull has been healed. It's incredible!" The doctor brought out images of Evan's x-rays. "So, this was the initial injury. There was a massive crack and fracture here. And this is his most recent x-ray: there's only minor fractures." 

"That's amazing! Can we take him home now? I asked. 

"Unfortunately, no. He's still unresponsive. His skull has healed, but his brain is still injured from the accident." 

"Wait, no. But he was responsive, we saw him wake up!" William desperately tried to reason. 

"Yes, he seems to be popping in an out of his coma. He fell back into his coma a few minutes ago. There is hope, though! If we continue this treatment, he'll get better." The doctor exited the room. 

"So, we just need more of that orange sludge." William concluded. 

"But where the hell do we even get that? We don't even know what it is!" 

"I don't know, we'll find a way."

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