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I woke up the next day, early. I hid my face in my pillow as if I could hide from the terrible deed I was going to do today.

But I needed to save Evan.

With a newfound confidence, I leaped out of bed, waking William.

"Excited, are we now?" He grinned.

"Not excited to kill a kid, but excited to save Evan."

William and I got dressed and quickly got into the car.

The car ride was silent, I didn't feel like talking and neither did William.

We arrived at the restaurant, apprehensively. I had a knot in my stomach.

Throughout the day, I made my rounds bussing pizza around and bringing orders to the kitchen until lunch time. The large restaurant was packed. No one would notice a singular child missing until much later.

I walked over to the stage, seeing a little girl admiring the animatronics sing and perform. She had a cute pink dress and short, blonde curls.

"Which one's your favorite?" I asked her, bending down to the level.

The little girl looked up at me, her nose and eyes were red and puffy. She'd been crying. Her face donned a sad frown.

"I like Chica the best." The girl's frown seemed to fade as she smiled a little.

"Oh, me too. Chica's my favorite as well." I smirked. "She's cute, isn't she?"

"Yeah, the other two are scary." She grimaced.

"Yeah, they sure are. I wonder who's the silly goose who designed those!" I scoffed sarcastically.

"You know, I quite like Bonnie." William walked over, slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"Bonnie is purple!" The girl stated.

"Yes, very good. He is purple. What a good color. I truly do love whoever made him purple." William smirked, bumping me with his hip.

"Alright, Mister, we gotta get to our lunch break." I laughed.

I bent down to the little girl's height.

"I'll make sure to tell Chica you said hi. But only for you." I whispered to the girl.

She giggled, giddy at the exclusivity of my promise, as she ran back to her family. She had come with her sister and two parents.

William and I walked into the room backstage where we found the springlock suits.

For whatever reason, Henry had brought them here from the diner.

I slipped into my Chica suit, feeling the cold metal rub against my skin.

I shuddered at the feeling.

I saw the little girl playing a game in the arcade. Fruity maze, I think.

I walked over to the girl, she still had a sad frown. She began to cry. I could see her sad face in the reflection of the arcade game. Tears rolled down her round face.

She noticed me in the reflection of the game and gasped.

The little girl turned around and her face lit up. "Chica!" She smiled.

"Hello, Dearest! What's your name?"

"My name is Susie."

"Oh, Susie! What a lovely name." I bent down to hug her.

She was gentle, she didn't thrash like the other kids used to. She hugged me gently as if she knew of the dangerous mechanisms inside the suit.

"What's wrong, Susie? Why are you crying, Dear?" I asked.

"Chica, m-my doggie is gone!" She sniffled. "Mommy told me he went to heaven, but I heard Daddy say he was hit by a car."

"You know, Dearest, he's not really dead." I said.

Her eyes went wide. "Really?"

"He's just over here. Follow me." I led her to the backstage room where William was waiting in his SpringBonnie suit.

Susie looked at William. "Bonnie is yellow." She observed.

"That is a brilliant observation!" William cheered in his goofy voice that he does for Bonnie. "Now come closer, I have a secret to tell you." He beckoned Susie to step closer.

Her eyes lit up but soon went wide as William plunged his knife into Susie's throat, severing her vocal cords.

She tried to scream, but couldn't. She tried to run, but was too weak. Her legs went limp and she fell to the floor, blood rushing out of her throat.

I quickly got out of my Chica suit and dragged the Chica animatronic into the backroom.

William opened up the chicken and stuffed the girl inside the torso of the bird, contorting the little girl's body to fit.

She made soft sounds out of pain and fear as she wasn't dead yet.

William closed up the chest cavity and brought Chica back to the stage.

I sighed, thankful it was finally over. Now all we'd have to do would be wait for her soul to merge with the animatronic.

At least she can be her favorite animatronic in her new life.

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