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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The heart rate monitor sang.

Evan was in a coma. Bandages wrapped around his bleeding head. Cords hooked up to machines.

I sat across the room next to William, leaning on him as my eyes were battling to stay open.

William kept his gaze glued to the hospital bed.

Why. Why. Why.

A knock came from the door and in came Henry and Michael.

I felt confused. Was this Michael's fault?

William tore his stare towards the two who'd entered the room. He looked infuriated. William got up and dismissed himself from the room.

"(Y/N)-" Michael began.

"Please, Michael. Not now." I stood up and followed William out the room.

William stood in the hallway of the hospital, clenching his fists turning his knuckles white.

I walked over to him and enveloped him in a hug. I felt his body relax.

"I hate him. I hate both of them." He seethed.

"I know, I know. I'm angry too." I hugged him tight.

"I'm more than angry, (Y/N). I want to kill that boy. He almost killed my son."

Tears pricked my eyes. "Michael is your son, too, okay? Listen, I loved Evan, I loved him like my own!"

William scrunched up his face as to not let himself cry.

"He is my son just as much as he is yours." Tears fell down my face, wetting William's shirt.

William wrapped his arms around me, tightly. Burying his head in the crook of my neck.

We took a seat in the chairs stationed in the hall.

I entangled my hand in his and leaned my head on his shoulder. We sat in silence, hearing the noises of the doctors and nurses going about their routines.

The door to Evan's room opened and out walked Henry.

William's grip on my hand tightened.

"Hey, Will, (Y/N).. I- I'm sorry about Evan. I-"

"Shut. Up." William sneered through gritted teeth.

Henry looked at me with a lost expression. "Wh-"

"Just. Leave. This doesn't concern you, Henry." William scoffed.

Henry was about to say something, but bit his tongue and left the hospital without another word.
His words to Henry were harsh, but how could you blame him? His son's head was wrapped in bandages.

William and I sat in silence, listening to nothing but our own thoughts.

"Can you hear me?" I heard Michael's voice from inside Evan's hospital room. "I don't know if you can hear me... I'm sorry."

I began to cry. Only now he's sorry. Only when Evan is hanging onto his life by a thread.

It's not his fault. He's only 15, a kid! He didn't mean to put Evan into a coma. It's not his fault. My thoughts battled.

He should know better! This is his fault! HIS FAULT!

He's just a kid, though!

He killed your son!

I choked. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks and dripped onto my lap.

No, Evan's not dead. Don't think like that...

He killed your son, he killed your son. The thought repeated itself in my head. The words dancing around in my head.

I felt a hand on my thigh. William had sensed that I was tensing up. His touch brought my senses back. I was no longer lost in my spiteful thoughts.

I looked up at William, whose eyes were bloodshot. He hadn't slept a wink since we'd gotten here. Neither had I.

"Why.." I whimpered quietly as William took me into his arms, wrapping me in a hug. He kissed the top of my head.

"I want to wrap my hands around his neck." He muttered.

"I don't want to hate him. I don't want to believe it's his fault." I furrowed my eye brows.

Michael exited the hospital room and stood before William and I, not daring to look up from the floor.

If looks could kill, this boy would've been 12 feet under in a heartbeat. William stared daggers at the boy.

"Let's go home." I sighed, getting up and grabbing my bag. I didn't bother to look in Michael's direction. I kept my gaze forward as William joined me by my side.

The ride home was short and silent. Dead silent.

Once we arrived home, I got out of the car without saying a word. Not a word to Michael, not a word to William.

I walked straight to our bedroom and flopped on the bed, craving to be relieved of the stresses of the last couple of days. I hadn't slept since the incident.

I was awoken my muffled arguing.

"Father, I'm telling you, it was an accident!" Michael yelled.

I heard heavy footsteps walk towards the room.

"I'm fucking done with you, Michael!" William yelled before opening the door.

William slammed the door to the bedroom.

"What's wrong?" I ask, sliding out of bed and walking towards William.

He huffed. "It wasn't an accident. Michael did it." William scoffed. "He keeps saying it was, but he's a liar. You saw it, didn't you? He put Evan's head in Fredbear's jaw!"

The events replayed in my head: how everything seemed to move in slow motion, how Michael and his friends laughed, how Evan looked at me for help, but I wasn't fast enough.

I began to tear up again. William took notice.

"Don't cry, Love. You've shed enough tears for one day already." William cooed as he brought his hands to my face, cupping my head in his hands.

My crying ceased as he wiped my tears away.

William brought his face close to mine. "I love you." He said before closing the gap between us. His thin lips met mine so gracefully.

I closed my eyes, leaning into the kiss. It seemed as though the whole world just disappeared and the only two things left in this galaxy were me and William. I could stay here for decades. And I would, given the choice.

I broke the kiss as I backed my head away. I looked at William, his eyes seemed to shine in the dim light.

"I love you too." I said, returning to the kiss.

Partner In Crime, I Suppose || William AftonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin