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"Dad?" I heard Evan call from the front of the house. 

"In the living room." William called out. 

Evan trotted on into the living room. "Oh! Hi, (Y/N)." He waved to me. I waved back. 

"Whaddya need, son?" William asked. 

"Michael keeps scaring me." He said, his eyes red and puffy from crying. 

I got up from the couch and stepped out of William's arms, walking over to Evan. I crouched down to Evan's height and pulled him into a hug. His tensed body relaxed as he felt safer. 

"Is it the fox mask?" I ask. 

I feel Evan nod. 

"Alright, I'll go speak with him." I stand up and head to Michael's room. 

Knock knock. 

"Come in." I open the door to Michael's room and immediately get blasted in the face with smoke. 

"What the hell! Is there a fire in here?!" I yell, coughing up a storm. I swat away the smoke to see Michael on his bed with a cigarette in his hand. "Michael are you smoking?!"

"Y-yeah? What's the big deal?" Michael scoffs, trying to act tough. 

"The big deal is that your room smells like fire! I don't like that you're smoking, but nothing I say will persuade you not to. So just.. If you're going to smoke, smoke outside." I pinch the bridge of my nose, annoyed. 

Michael nods and sticks out his hand, holding a cigarette. "Want one?" He asks. 

"wha- No! That's not what I came in here to talk to you about!" I exclaim. "Your brother says that you've been scaring him with the fox mask?" I cross my arms. 

"Yeah, and? It's funny." He puffs out a cloud of smoke. 

"No, Michael, it's not! He's very afraid!" 

"He's just a big baby. Besides, he needs to grow up! His 10th birthday's coming up and he still cries like a 3 year old!" Michael ranted. "It's embarrassing. Need to toughen him up!" 

"That's not the way to do it, Michael! You're destroying your relationship with your brother!" 

Michael scoffed. "Whatever. He'll thank me for it when he's older." He brushes past me and leaves his room. 

I walked back into the living room where Evan and William were watching TV together. 

I flopped onto the couch beside William and sighed. William wrapped his arm around me and I leaned into his body. 

"Hey, William?"

"Yes, Love?" 

"What are we doing for Evan's birthday?"

"I was planning on just having it at the diner." 

"Ah, sounds good." 

I turned my attention to Evan who was hyper focused on the TV. "Hey, Evan?"

"Yeah, (Y/N)?" He turned around. 

"Who's your favorite Fredbear's animatronic?" I asked. 

"I like Bonnie." He smiled before turning his attention back to the TV. 

William shot me a shit eating grin. "Looks like you're 0 for 2." 

"Man... I'll find a kid eventually whose favorite animatronic's Chica." 

Partner In Crime, I Suppose || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now