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Ring ring ring.

The phone screeched. William stumbled over to the phone, still not used to the layout of the new house he'd gotten since the fire.

"Yes?" William answered the phone.

"Will! Hey I need your advise on something."

"What." He as cold to his friend. He didn't want to hear from him.

"The boss wants to shut Freddy's down. Close up the restaurant for good."

"Oh? And why is that?" William smirked.

"Five kids went missing, Will! The boss said a tragedy like this is a bad liability for the Fazbear name. But I don't want to shut down Freddy's; it's our dream!"

"Freddy's is your dream. Fredbear's Family Diner was our dream." My head perked up, hearing the words Fredbear's Family Diner.

"Will, I don't know what to do! Should I close it down?" Henry asked, desperate for any type of advise.

"Yeah! Close it up! Hell, board up the windows and doors to leave it to rot for all I care!" William yelled, annoyed at his associate. "I don't care what you do with that damn restaurant, it's not Fredbear's; I don't give a shit."

Henry seemed to sniffle on the other side of the line.

"Henry, you seriously cannot be crying right now! Are you serious? You're crying?! You're the one who sold our dream!" William exclaimed, no longer annoyed, but now frustrated.

"You're still upset about that?!" Henry yelled back, turning this ask-for-advise session into a screaming match.

"Henry, you sold our livelihood!! You're the only one who really benefitted out of this whole ordeal! (Y/N) and I now work for you instead of with you!!" I put my hand on William's shoulder, calming him down. "You know what, Henry? Fuck you and your Fazballs! You might as well close down that damn restaurant; who knows? Maybe that child-napper'll come back!" William slammed the phone, hanging up on Henry, abruptly.

William turned to me, his face red with anger.

"That rat bastard! He-"

"Shhh, Darling." I hushed William, putting a finger to his lips. "Relax." I brought his head close to mine as our lips met. Pulling him down onto the couch where I sat.

William's tensed body relaxed as he deepened the kiss, his arm wrapping around my waist, pulling me onto his lap.

"I love you." I said in between breaths.

"I love you too."

His hand made its way to my rear, holding me tight.

"Not now, we have some remnant to collect, my love." I stopped him.

William nodded, standing up from the couch and grabbing his lighter as I grabbed the animatronic scraps.

I followed my love outside to the patio where an empty fire pit laid dormant. I placed Bonnie's head piece onto the fireplace and William lit it ablaze.

We waited for that florescent orange goo to begin seeping from the purple face, but alas, nothing but melted plastic came from the face piece.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Sh, sh, Love. Keep your voice down." William hushed, not wanting to draw the attention of the nearby neighbors.

"Where's the remnant?! We burned it, so where's the remnant?!" I yelled in a hushed whisper.

"I- I don't know! Try grab the Foxy pieces."

I grabbed the bits and pieces of Foxy's head and lit them on fire. They showed the same results: nothing but melted plastic.

"I told you it wouldn't help him." A voice echoed through the patio.

My eyes grew wide.

"You've just claimed five lives and your experiment has ultimately shown you negative results." My face drained of all color.

"No.. No! I- I did it for Evan!" I pleaded.

"But has this helped Evan?" Clara looked at me, pity and anger filled her white eyes.

Tears welled in my eyes.

I felt as foolish as Henry. I'd done something stupid without realizing how it could go south.

No, this couldn't be compared to Henry's mistake. This was no mistake at all. Calling my deeds 'stupid' was sugarcoating it. I'd done something unforgivable, something terribly heinous.

William grabbed my shoulders, trying to comfort me.

"Clara... what do we do?" William begged her to point him in the right direction.

"Free them, save them from eternal suffering. Dismantle the suits and liberate their souls. And when you do, do not take their remnant. You do not deserve it for what you've done to them."

Partner In Crime, I Suppose || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now