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The police left the restaurant after finding no signs of the children.

Henry left as well, leaving only me and William.

"Will, did you move those bodies?" I raised an eye brow.

"No, and I'm assuming you didn't either?"

I nod.

We scour the place once more, trying to fond where the children went.

I look at the empty stage. "Uhm.. William? Did you take the animatronics off the stage??" I yell across the restaurant.

"Uh no? Maybe Henry did before he left. Check parts n' services." He shouts back.

We meet at the parts and serviced door. William stretches his hand out to open the door when a slender black hand envelopes in wrist.

"What the hell!" William yells as he yanks his hand out of its grasp.

The puppet animatronic, Charlie, blocks the door.

"The others are under my protection." She says, readying to attack.

"What can you do, puppet?" William spat.

"Charlie? Is- is it really you?" I hide behind William.

The marionette's expression seems to soften.

"Charlie it's okay, we aren't here to hurt them." I plead to the fearful girl. "Charlie, I know you're afraid of William, but please he won't hurt them."

Charlie looked at me—though her new body lacking any features of emotion—with trust. She allowed us entry into the backroom.

All four animatronics stood tall. They looked around, confused. 

"I have given them new life." Charlie said, proud of what she'd accomplished. "I have given them back what was taken from them without permission."

Chica looked down at me, her eyes recognizing me. She jumped with joy. 

"Susie recognizes you. She says you're the nice lady who said hi to Chica for her." Charlie translates. 

"You can talk to them?" William asks, curiosity laced in his voice. He wanted to find out more about these undead children. 

"Yes. I can hear them talk, their souls talk. You cannot hear them." 

"Then how can we hear you?" 

"I do not know. I must be special or something." Charlie turned her head to the side of the room, hearing a shuffling sound. 

Henry's Fredbear costume lied slumped against the wall. 

"Cassidy is angry, she says you hurt her." Charlie's voice saddens, as if she'd been betrayed. "Why did you hurt her?"

"Charlie, do you remember Evan?" William says, softly. His voice, warm when talking about his youngest.

"Evan is my friend." Charlie nods. 

"Evan's dying, Charlie. Evan had an accident and now need remnant to sustain him." William told Charlie the truth. "We need remnant to keep the boy alive. So we did what we had to in order to keep our boy from dying." 

Charlie looked at William, conflicted. She did not want her friend to die, but she also didn't want people to die. 

"In fact, now that we have you all in here..." William grabbed a metal rod that laid dormant on the ground. "Why don't we take the remnant NOW!" 

William swung the rod at bonnie, knocking his face piece off of the endoskeleton.

Charlie screeched in pure wrath as she jumped at the man attacking her friends. William deflected her, hitting her away like a baseball.

The puppet hit the wall with a thud, ceasing to move. 

Chica barreled towards William, enraged. 

"You're next!" William yelled as he swung his rod at Chica. 

His rod broke the fabric and the metal in her jaw, dislocating it. Chica grabbed William by the throat, choking him. 

"Let him go!" I yelled as I yanked on her free arm, effectively tearing it off. Her lower arm was nothing but exposed wires. 

Chica looked at me, betrayed.

"I'm sorry, Susie." Chica dropped her guard as her grip on William faltered.

William ceased the opportunity; grabbing the arm that was previously on his neck and yanking it off, exposing the wires on her other arm. 

Next came foxy. Deep down, a scared little boy's soul rested within the fox's scurvy exterior. The boy hid in the corner, afraid he would be hurt once more. 

"Hide if you want, it did not save the others, it will not save you." William swiftly brought the metal rod down to Foxy's head, breaking a piece off. Leaving the fox with a gaping hole in his head. 

"Quickly, Will. Grab the bits of the animatronics and get out of here!" I urged. 

I picked up Bonnie's face and ran as William picked up the bits of Foxy.. 

Now all that was left to do was burn the scraps and make remnant. 

Partner In Crime, I Suppose || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now