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William parked the car right outside the entrance to the restaurant.

The doors were boarded up and so were the windows. The place looked as if it'd been abandoned for years.

William pried a wooden beam off the front door and squeezed into the establishment, helping me inside once he was in.

"Jeez, this place looks totaled!" I commented, looking around at the beaten up pizzeria.

The place was dark, the ceiling was dripping water and rats scurried around the place.

Heavy footsteps approached. William and I hid behind the prize counter.

The large creature stepped under one of the flickering lights, revealing itself.

Chica stood with the puppet sitting on her shoulder.

"I know, Susie. I heard something too.. Someone is here." Charlie whispered to the large yellow bird.

Chica's mouth hung open as her face remained broken.

"I'll go find the others, maybe they can help us find out what it was, you stay here." Charlie sauntered away to find the other lost children.

"Now's our chance." I whispered to William, getting up from behind the prize counter and beelining it for parts and services.

Chica's attention turned to me and William as we booked it past her.

We ran, hand in hand, not wanting to lose each other. Making it to parts and services, grabbing tools to dismantle the animatronics.

William and I bursted out of the mechanics room, startling Chica. Without a second to waste, we got to work, tearing her apart and she seemed to thrash in agony.

I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry that I've caused you this pain. This is my fault you are like this. I was selfish, I was in denial. You don't deserve this. I'm sorry.

William held her down with surprising strength, pinning her to the ground.

After long minutes of what seemed like agonizing pain for her, Chica finally stopped thrashing and went still.

"One down, four more to go." I sighed as I got up, wiping a bead of sweat from my head.

"Over by parts and services, Jeremy. I heard it." Charlie's voice echoed throughout the building.

"Here comes another one..."

Following the same routine we did for Chica, we dismantled Bonnie.

"Here, Gabe." Charlie sent another animatronic our way.

Then another. "Fritz, over this way."

Finally, we'd dismantled 4 of the 5 animatronics.

"Where's the one in the Fredbear suit?" William whispered.

"Maybe it's still in the parts and services room? Where we last saw it."

We entered parts and services, once more looking to the wall where Fredbear was slumped down.

"Hey there, girly. We're here to set you free." I said, trying not to anger the girl within the suit.

The bear twitched.

"Can't wait to get outta here, huh?" I chucked at the girl. "Cassidy, right? Well, I'm (Y/N). I'm here to help." I said, taking the suit apart with ease.

Once we'd dismantled all five animatronics, I felt relieved. I felt happy that the children were now free.

We walked out to the front, entering the main room, hand in hand. Giddy with relief and redemption.

We skidded to a halt, seeing our path was blocked by five white figures. They looked like Clara, only Clara's ghosty spirit was transparent with a white outline, these ghostly spirits were filled in with a cloudy white. They had dears streaming from their eyes as if they were bawling their eyes out. Their eyes were pitch black.

"You haven't freed us just yet." A girl snarled. It was the girl who'd put up a fight, Cassidy. She was angry, more than angry—enraged. "You aren't going anywhere until we get our justice and are freed."

"What!? No, but we freed you from the animatronics!"

"You've freed us from our vessels. But you have not freed our souls from this damnation!!" Cassidy screamed as she charged towards us.

"Run, run!!" William commanded as he grabbed my hand and booked it away from the spirits coming towards us.

We ran into the backroom, the room where we'd killed them.

"Ah, wishing to die in the same place we all died, huh?" Cassidy scoffed as she barreled at me, her arms stretched out, grabbing my throat. "You took me away from him!" She yelled. "Andrew needed me! He needed his big sister, but you took me away from him! I'll never see him grow up! He won't remember me! And for that, I'll make you suffer!!" Cassidy cried out in pure rage as the children cowered away from something.

William looked over, seeing our old springlock suits.

"(Y/N)! The suits! They're afraid of the suits!" William shouted, slipping into his rusty, old SpringBonnie suit.

I tumbled out of the vengeful girl's grasp and put on my Chica suit, feeling the sharp, cold metal on my skin.

Chica and Bonnie's yellow fur was matted and dusty with time.

The other four spirits crept away from us, afraid of the yellow animals who'd taken their lives from them.

"You fools, don't be scared of them! Get them!" Cassidy commanded as she glared at me and William.

I felt a wet drop on my shoulder from the roof. The ceiling was leaking.

"Ah! Fuck!" William yelled as a rat ran in between his legs.

He hopped on one leg as to avoid the rat, proving to be too quick of a movement for the old springlock suit.


I heard a crunch and a splatter as I whipped my head around, seeing my love scream in agony.

"William!" I ran to his side.


I felt an agonizing pain overwhelm my body.

I clung onto William as we cried out in pain. The springlocks triggering individually one by one, each digging in deeper than the last. Crushing bones and severing flesh and nerves.

William fell down, now slumped, leaning against the wall. He dragged me down with him to sit by his side as we were springlocked.

His screaming ceased as my vision went blurry.

"Thank you." Cassidy's voice was muffled. "You've given us justice."

The five faded away, leaving William and I in the room alone to die together.

No one would come to help us, we were doomed to die.

At least I got to die as Mrs. Afton with a ring on my finger from my beloved William.

Partner In Crime, I Suppose || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now