Open Your Heart - Part 2

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AN - This is part 2/3

As the months past, Estella and I became better friends, we would often go for drinks after work. We had a lot in common, and I was delighted to be in her company, even if it was just as friends. She quickly became a favourite of the Baroness and got promoted to her assistant almost instantly. Most of my colleagues were a little annoyed about this, but Estella was the most talented designer I had ever met so I never complained.

Although I was proud of her for her promotion, I couldn't help but feel a little upset by the fact that we had started to grow apart. She would spend the majority of her days away from her workstation, instead assisting the Baroness with whatever she needed. She rarely ever had time for me. At first I thought this might be for the best, after all us growing apart would simplify things a lot, and deep down I knew my feelings for her were always going to be more than just friends. But I couldn't help but still want to spend time with her, to be near her. It was as if I was completely under her spell, always left hoping for more than what I had.

The sun was setting as I left from work, the darkness of the evening drew in as I sat on the bus on my way home, thinking only about her and how much I missed just being around her. Weeks had passed without so much as me even speaking to her at work. I was really starting to feel as if she had totally forgot about our friendship altogether, which hurt.

I sunk down into my sofa as soon as I got in from work, just wishing for the day to be over. Estella had made my days at work so much more tolerable, and now I found myself back in the position I was in before I met her, dreading every second of the day. I let out a deep sigh, as I contemplated my life and  closed my eyes, slowly drifting into a dreamscape.

Knock  Knock  Knock.

I was awoken by the loud knocking at my front door. I opened my eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling, hoping that whoever it was would just go away. For a split second all I heard was silence,  as I questioned who it could have possibly been. There was another knock. I let out a long sigh as I rolled off my sofa and walked to my door to see who it was.

Estella stood in front of me at my door, with  a smile on her face as bright as the sunshine on a warm summers day. I was dumbstruck for a moment, I couldn't help but wonder why she would turn up out of the blue, having not spoken to me in weeks.

"Estella, Hi." I exclaimed, trying to keep a casual tone. "This is a surprise. I wasn't expecting you. Come in."

"Sorry, for turning up unexpectedly I was going to call. I just thought we could have a catch up. It has been a while." She replied as she walked through the doorway.

I closed the door behind us, and gestured my arm towards my sitting room. "It's good to see you Y/N. I missed you." She said placing her hand on my arm. The feeling of her touch against my skin sent a shiver down my spine, but the mixed signals that she was sending out made me feel a little uneasy.

"It's good to see you too" I replied, taking a step back from her and creating a small distance between us. The last thing I needed after another horrid day at work was her messing with my mind. "Come in to the sitting room, it's through here." I added showing her into the sitting room.

We sat for a while just mindlessly chatting as usual. Though unlike our usual chats, this one was overshadowed by my apprehension towards her visit. I kept wondering if there were some other reason for her visit, for her friendliness and flirtation. But I couldn't quite tell. Estella was so perplexing at times, she was difficult to read. All I knew was that the tension in the room was increasing, filling every empty space of the room, as if it was going to explode.

"The Baroness has asked me to design the signature piece for her new collection. She's been bitching incessantly about how none of the current designs the rest of the designers are coming up with are good enough, it's driving me mad." She mentioned as a passing comment as she took a sip of the wine that I had gotten out of my fridge for us.

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