Steal my heart - part 3

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Steal my heart – part 3

Dual POV Fic

Estella POV -

Friday came along quicker than usual. The boys and I had spent the entire week perfecting our plans to get in to the concert. We were experts at breaking and entering, however the crowds and the security certainly were going to make things a lot more difficult than we were used to. Jasper said we were foolish for even trying, but the satisfaction I would have when she spotted me in the crowd kept me going. There was no way in the world I would miss that concert. I had to see her again. To prove myself – or at least that is what I told myself.

I sat on my bed watching as the morning traffic passed through the streets below thinking about seeing her again this evening. There was something about her that got under my skin and I couldn't work out what it was. Everything about her confused me. She was perfect in every sense of the word, and I hated her for it. I couldn't stop replaying the things that she had said to me in my mind. She was right about everything she said about me. I was a thief. I wasn't ashamed of it, I had to be to survive. But hearing her criticise me hurt me more than it should have. I barely even knew her, but from the moment I first laid eyes on her I felt this overwhelming sense of desperation for he approval and I couldn't work out why. She was everything I wanted to be, and more. When I first saw her standing there outside liberty, my only thought was that I had to speak to her, to try to introduce myself to her. I had never wanted to know someone more so desperately in my life and I had ruined my only chance of ever knowing her. I let out a long sigh, why was I even bothering trying to prove myself to her? Nothing would ever make me feel better about this or change the fact she hated me.

Before I knew it, the cool evening drew in closer and dusk had settled over the streets of London. As I fumbled around my bedroom, making myself look perfect for this the concert. My heart raced as every vein in my body filled with both a dread of seeing her face again, and the excitement of proving myself to her.

"Are you ready mate?" Jasper shouted from across the warehouse.

I let out a long sigh as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing my favourite shirt. Which of course was black, my favourite colour. But not even that could make me feel good about myself. Who was I trying to fool, I looked pathetic. How had I become so infatuated with a woman, let alone one I didn't even knew. Why did she make me feel hellbent on proving myself to her? I just couldn't understand why she made me feel this way.

"Hurry up Estella, We've got to go now if this is going to go smoothly". Jasper shouted.

"Yeah!" Horace exclaimed. "Come on Estella, you don't wanna be late for your girlfriend."

"Grow up!" I exclaimed shaking my head as I walked across the dusty warehouse before grabbing my coat. "She is not my girlfriend, Horace."

"Mate, it's okay you know." Jasper said reassuringly. In hindsight, I was lucky to have friends like Jasper and Horace. I never gave them enough credit for how supportive they were, even when I was wasn't deserving of it.

"What are you going on about now Jasper?" I rolled my eyes.

"If you fancy her..." He replied. "It is okay to fancy another girl you know."

"Well I don't fancy her." I interrupted insistently. "Can we just get going, or we're going to be late!"

"If you say so" Horace smirked as we all walked towards the lift.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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