The De Vil's Revenge - Part 6

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I sat in the darkness of my living room, reading the dimly lit pages of my book as the quiet voices of TV droned on in the background. After everything that had happened with Estella I seriously needed to clear my head. I tried everything I could to get her out of my mind and forget about what had happened these past few days. But nothing seemed to work. Everything felt so broken and hopeless, as if there was no coming back from this. Being with her was hard at the moment. But being without her was worse. In the entire time we had been together, we had never fought before, and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Just as I pushed all the worries out of my mind and finally began to lose myself in the pages of my book, the news had broken.

"Cruella, best known for upstaging the Baroness in the fashion world, has tragically died in a warehouse fire."

All of my attention was now placed on the TV, as I frantically tried my best to turn up the volume.  Suddenly it felt as if the room was flooded with a certain darkness, that would never be lit again. My heart pounded and my stomach churned,. I felt a wave of distress throughout my entire body whilst I listened intently to the news report. The breaking pain in my chest was unbearable as I desperately gasped for air, trying to stop myself from passing out.

"No!!!" I exclaimed . The tears began streaming down my cheeks. "This can't be happening." I thought to myself, as I forced myself to think clearly. "I can't lose her like this, not without her knowing that I love her!"

Feeling sick in the very pit of my stomach, I allowed myself a few seconds to sober my thoughts. There was no way this could be happening, something didn't feel right about this. I needed to find her, and if I couldn't, I needed to find the person that did this to her. Without a seconds thought, I grabbed my coat and ran out the door, through the dark cold streets of London, to get to the warehouse immediately.

~~~                      ~~~                      ~~~

As I approached all I could hear was the high pitched screaming sound of the sirens, as the red and blue flashing lights lit up the crowd of people that stood by. A huge team of fire-men tirelessly tried to put out the menacing fire. A wave of desperation and despair radiated throughout my entire body as I watched the scene unfold in front of my very eyes. Until I saw it didn't feel real. The warehouse was on fire, and Estella was trapped inside, without us even having chance to say a proper good-bye.

In that moment, my whole world had gone. Everything I loved, everything that mattered had completely broken, and now I was left  alone with nothing but the ruins. If only I had just forgiven her this afternoon. If I would have told her how much I loved her, and how much she meant to me, maybe none of this would have happened. She would have been safe with me. Or I would have at least been with her up there to save her. But instead I ruined it all, and now there was nothing left, apart from the pain and the heartbreak of a life without her in it. There was nothing that could be done. She was gone.

I began to sob uncontrollably, as I continued to watch the chaotic scene in front of me. Just then I noticed in the distance two police officers were hand cuffing and arresting Jasper and Horace.

"Jasper! Horace!" I screamed desperately at the top of my lungs, hoping that they would hear me, as I fought my way through the crowd to get closer to them. "Where is Estella?!"

"Stay back. You can't come across this line. " One of the police officers said in a monotonous and emotionless tone as he put his hand out in front of me, stopping me form getting closer to them.

"No!  What is happening? Why are you arresting them?" I demanded. Surely they couldn't think Jasper and Horace had set the warehouse on fire. It was their home. They would never do anything of the sort.

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