Steal My Heart - Part 2

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Estella POV –

"Well done for causing a scene." Jasper sighed, as shook his head in disappointment at what had just happened. I scowled back at him, fully aware of how unreasonable it looked to the other people in the shop, but I didn't care. I was promised that ticket, and now that bitch had taken that away from me. I knew I shouldn't be this upset, but I was.

He exhaled deeply, and tsked  at me in disproval at me. "You were a real bitch just then, you know that right? If you're gonna behave like a bloody child nobody is going to care when things don't go right for you. "

"Shut up Jasper!" I said as I stormed out the shop and in to the busy crowd outside, angrily pacing my up the street. I had no idea where I was going but I knew one thing for certain, I was going to get a ticket to that concert, and nothing was going to stop me.

 I was fully aware this looked like an overreaction. But I was upset. I was angry. It was just another disappointment in a long list of disappointing things that had happened in my life. So what if I took it out on that bitch in the shop? She/They had taken away the only thing that mattered to me. Plus she/they deserved it after the way she/they spoke to me that day.

"Estella wait!!" Jasper called moments later, as he frantically followed behind me. "Where are you going?" He asked as he caught up to me and turned to stop in front of me.

"To get a ticket, or have you forgotten that was going to be my birthday present this year Jasper?"

Horace and Jasper had promised me that I could get the ticket with the weeks taking as a birthday present, and I took that promise seriously. They knew how desperate I was to go to this concert, it was all I spoke about for weeks. It was the best birthday present I could have wished for. But now it had been taken away from me.

Jasper rolled his eyes at me. "Oh for fuck sake, don't be so self-absorbed. Not everybody gets what they want for their birthday Estella. You of all people should know that by now. Get over it and move on."

"Get over it and move on?!?! Are you fucking serious?" I mocked shaking my head at him. "You knew what this meant to me." But the truth is he really didn't. Only I did.

When I was a child, mum would make a real fuss of me on my birthday. She made it the best day of the year. But ever since she died I hated my birthday. Without my mum, I never really felt much like celebrating it. Deep down I didn't really feel like I deserved to. After all, celebrating the day of your birth, knowing you're the reason the person who brought you into the world has died, is a heart-wrenching type of irony I hope nobody else will ever understand. So when Jasper and Horace surprised me and told me I could buy myself a ticket as a birthday present, I was elated. There was a lot riding on this ticket right now. It was a chance for me to learn to enjoy my birthday and feel special once again. Plus it also meant that I wasn't going to be subject to another pathetic excuse for a party, or Jasper's horrendous baking skills.

"Oh Estella come on. I get it, you're disappointed but stop this pathetic nonsense. There is nothing you can do about it now."

"That is easy for you to say. For once I just wanted to celebrate my birthday properly, but now it's is ruined!"

"I don't see why you have gotten so weird about this fucking birthday concert. You know Horace and I will still make your birthday special anyway."

Jasper and Horace were sweet, don't get me wrong. Every year they would try to make my birthday special, despite my desperate attempts to ignore its existence. I always tried my best to put a smile on my face for them, because they are my family, and I knew they just wanted to make me happy. But I was tired of pretending, I just wanted to celebrate my birthday alone in the way I wanted to. Surely that wasn't too much to ask?

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