Deceived By The Mask - Part 5

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I looked up at the dull grey sky and let out a deep sigh as I continued to walk the busy streets of London home. This morning on my way to work everything felt fresh and full of hope, and now everything felt different. More bleak and dreary. As I passed Regents Park, I couldn't help but think of Cruella and how much I enjoyed seeing her last night. Even seeing the park and reliving those moments in my mind sent a wave of excitement throughout my body and caused butterflies in the pit of my stomach. But after everything that had happened today, after the Baroness had made it clear that my job was in jeopardy, and after my argument with Estella. All the excitement and happiness I felt last night felt like a distant memory that had been overshadowed by the misery and harshness of my reality.

Once I arrived home all I wanted to do was submerse myself back into the safety of my bed, away from all the stress and worry of the outside world. But as I lay in bed, my mind was tormented by thoughts of what might happen the next day at work with Estella, not knowing how she felt about me, or even how I felt about her? Then there was the date with Cruella that I had to worry about. Despite my initial excitement and anticipation, it was so much of a risk to see her again, regardless of how much I wanted to.

I lay there for what felt like an eternity, as my mind wondered and I hazily drifted in and out of consciousness, until I heard a knock at my door. Feeling disgruntled about being disturbed, and not wanting to see anybody again I ignored it. I closed my eyes hoping that I would drift off into a peaceful and stress free sleep, but the knocking only continued and became more frequent and increasingly louder the longer I ignored it. So I dragged myself out of my bed, and went to the mirror, looking critically at my reflection to check if I looked presentable.

As I made my way down the stairs, the persistent knocking continued.

"Alright, alright. I am coming." I shouted to the impatient visitor, as I wondered who it might have been. I wasn't expecting anybody, and I rarely had visitors, especially ones who turned up unannounced.

As I opened the door I saw Estella stood there, her arms folded with a determined and urgent look in her eyes that made me feel wary and unbalanced. She really was the last person I wanted to see at my front door, especially after what had happened that afternoon.

"Estella." I said, confused as to why she was at my front door. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk." She replied in an urgent and demanding tone.

"Couldn't it have waited until tomorrow at work?" I stuttered as nervously shuffled my feet. I was already feeling fatigued from our heated discussion earlier. I really couldn't handle another discussion like that one.

"No, we can't do this at work!" She responded insistantly. "I presume I am okay to come in." Before I even had the chance to respond to her, she swept into my house. My pulse raced as she stood herself in my hallway. I was so confused what she wanted from me, and to be quite honest I had no desire to continue our argument from earlier. 

"Well I don't really have much choice, do I?" I shrugged, as closed my front door. "What is this Estella? I don't have time for another stupid argument with you." I sighed, taking a few steps closer towards her.

"Don't blame me, Y/N. You started that argument." She responded defensively.

"If you say so." I sighed, shaking my head as I walked past her and into my sitting room, presuming that she would follow. She did. As she entered my sitting room, I stood there with my arms crossed looking back at her in disapproving manner, before gesturing for her to take a seat on my sofa.  "So what is so important that you can't talk to me about it at work?" I questioned, feeling somewhat confused an irritated with the fact that she had just waltzed in expecting me to be okay with it.

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