The De Vil's Revenge - Part 4

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As the weeks passed we all continued work tirelessly so that Estella could get revenge. She had managed to crash three of The Baronesses red carpet events, all while keeping up the pretence of Estella at work. It was safe to say The Baroness was furious about Cruella upstaging her, and Estella was delighted that her plans were all falling in to place. Jasper and Horace begrudgingly continued to do everything Estella asked, and I spent my days managing the fashion studio; which I had slowly gotten better at as the weeks went by. I was staying at the warehouse almost every night, just to be able to see her and spend time with her. Estella had really gotten carried away with this revenge business, and she rarely had any time for anything else. I knew this was something she needed to do, and I promised her that I would be with her through it all, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't difficult. I couldn't help but miss spending time with her in the way we used to.

I sat tapping my pen against my desk, as I watched the machinists working on the designs that Estella had drawn up for her first ever fashion show - which she was extremely excited about. She had been working on these designs for weeks. Caught in a day dream, I allowed my mind to wonder to where Estella and I would be once this was all over. Once Cruella had finally made a name for herself and we had taken down The Baroness. A few weeks ago when Estella had told me her plans, I thought that nothing could go wrong. I was blind-sighted by my dreams of her and I building a life together, of her achieving her dreams and of me achieving mine. But as time passed, reality began to seep through and I started to doubt if those things would ever even happen. Messing with The Baroness was dangerous, she could have us all killed if she found out, and if Estella did succeed would she even still want to be with me once this was all over? After all, things between us weren't exactly how they used to be, she barely had time for me.

"Y/N" Artie shouted, interrupting my thoughts. "The fabric has arrived, I need your help to check everything is how she wants it."

I let out a big sigh went over to help Artie with the fabric delivery that had just arrived.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

By the time 6:00 pm had arrived most of the machinists had gone home. Artie had decided to stay behind and organise the warehouse and lock up. I decided to put my earlier doubts and worries behind me, and go upstairs to wait for Estella to return from work. I had hoped to be able to have a date night with her, after all the last time we had properly spent time together felt like a life time ago. Once I reached the top of the stairs I saw Jasper and Horace sat watching the TV, while the dogs all gathered on the floor.

"Is Estella not back yet?" I asked as I stood there arms crossed. Hoping that she would walk through the door at any moment.

"No mate. I reckon she might be working all night on that dress she is sabotaging." Jasper responded.

"Yeah" Horace interrupted. "I took the 'beads' over there this afternoon. It was weird seeing Estella at work. She is much nicer there than she is at home." He chuckled as he took a sip of his drink.

"Seriously, she's working late again?!" I exclaimed in annoyance that yet again Estella wouldn't be coming back until late.

"Don't worry. She hates everyone at work anyway, so you don't need to be jealous." Horace remarked, thinking that he was being helpful.

"I am not jealous Horace. I was just hoping to get to spend some quality time with her this evening. It has been ages since we've properly spent time with one another. All this working late is driving me crazy." I responded defensively.

"What are you talking about Y/N? You see her every day, you stay here every night and never bloody leave! You practically live here." 

"I'm not sure that is what Y/N means Horace." Jasper laughed shaking his head. "Sorry mate. I am sure things will be different once all this is out the way."

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