The De Vil's Revenge - Part 3

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The bright morning sunlight seeped through the crack in the old patched up curtains that Estella had draped around her bed to block out the sunlight and give her some privacy from the others. I wasn't much of a morning person, but whenever I stayed over at the warehouse, I always woke up uncharacteristically early. At least it gave me the advantage of missing the chaos that always arose when Estella and the boys were arguing over who got access to the bathroom first. I looked up at the clock to check the time. 6:30 am. I watched for a while as the mechanical hands climbed their way up to the top of the clock face, and enjoyed the momentary tranquillity and peace of the morning.

I could feel the warmth of Estella's breath on the back of my neck as she lay there fast asleep. Her arms still wrapped firmly around me, in the same way that they were as we fell asleep the night before. Despite hating the warehouse, I had decided to stay the night. I wasn't sure I could bare to leave her again, and last night I still had a lot of questions I wanted answers to. For a brief moment I considered waking her up, just to have an extra few minutes of her undivided attention before she had to leave me again to go to work. But I knew how exhausted she was. So I freed myself from her tight grip, and left her to sleep while I got myself out of bed.

As we lay in bed talking last night, Estella was perfectly clear on what she needed me to do that day. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror and took a moment to prepare myself for the day. Estella had always been the more assertive one, she knew exactly how to handle things in a way that meant she always got what she wanted. Whereas I was the complete opposite. So how on earth was I going to manage single-handedly running an underground fashion studio while she went back to work for the Baroness? I had to get this right. I knew how important this was to her. Thoughts of letting her down raced through my mind at a thousand miles per hour. It was only when I heard Horace's knocking on the bathroom door, were my thoughts brought back to reality.

"Hurry up Y/N." He shouted urgently. "Stop hogging the bathroom. I need to go. I had curry and 5 pints last night."

Lovely. I thought to myself, as I splashed some cold water across my face, before quickly drying myself with the clean towel Estella had left out for me the night before.

Before I was even fully through the doorway, Horace had barged his way past, slamming the door shut and locking it within seconds. While I shook my head and laughed quietly to myself.

There were still about 20 minutes left before Estella's alarm went off for work that day, and despite me wanting to spend them in the safety of her arms. I knew she would probably benefit more from a cup of tea and some real breakfast. So I headed over to the kitchen to make her some.

Jasper stood there slumped over the counter watching the roaring blue flames of the hob as he waited for the whistle of the kettle. He was definitely hung over. They had both made themselves scarce after walking the dogs last night. Estella and I had fell asleep before they even got back.

"Cuppa?" He queried gesturing his hand to the kettle that was now letting out a high pitched squeal that was clearly bothering him.

"Please." I nodded my head. "You were both back late. Heavy night?" I proceeded to ask.

He nodded before proceeding to pour the boiling water into the cups. "Just giving Her Majesty the space she demanded." He mocked sarcastically, grabbing a spoon from the drawer.

"Sorry about that." I apologised. I couldn't help but feel a little bad for forcing Jasper and Horace to get out of the flat for a few hours. "I didn't mean to impose by staying over, but I appreciate you giving us some space. We both did."

"It's not you I've got a problem with mate." He said as he put the cup on the counter beside me. "It's her."

"No you don't Jasper. If you did, you wouldn't still be here helping her, you know that." I said, while I grabbed the bread and put enough slices in the toaster for me and Estella.

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