Open Your Heart - Part 3

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AN - Part 3/3 - i got a little carried away again :)

I barely slept at all that night, instead I lay awake thinking of everything that had happened that evening. I wished that it hadn't happened at all, that she had never come over and told me how she felt. After all it was easier not knowing, despite the torment it caused me. Still there was a part of me that couldn't quite get it out of my head that Estella wanted me –  and I wanted her. God I wanted her so bad, like nothing I had ever wanted before in my life.

I couldn't stop punishing myself for pushing her away, for stopping what we both clearly wanted. I thought I was doing the right thing, protecting us both from the risks of it all. But deep-down I knew that wasn't true. I was scared. Scared to open up to her, and tell her how I truly felt, scared that we might turn into something real. Even though beneath all the fear that was everything that I wanted. Regardless it didn't matter now. I knew I had ruined everything. 

An overwhelming feeling of dread, flooded my body like a wave, as I walked into work the following morning and saw her sitting at her work station, ferociously sketching in her sketch pad. My heart began to race she lifted her eyes from her sketchbook and locked them on me, watching me with a hostile and resentful glint in her eye, which made me feel uneasy. Her eyes scanned up and down my body, examining me intensely, as I walked towards my workstation, before looking back down at her sketchbook continuing on with her design.

After I settled myself at my desk, I took a deep breath in and prepared myself to go over to speak to her. I had no idea what I was going to say to her. But I knew I had to say something. By the time I had approached her desk, my heart was pounding so fast I thought it was going to explode. I swallowed and took another deep breath in as I prepared myself to speak to her.

"Estella." I said nervously . "Do you have a minute? I think we need to talk."

The silence was deafening as I waited for her to acknowledge my presence and respond. She did not.

"Please don't ignore me, hear me out." I muttered quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself.

There was another long pause as I stood there desperately hoping she would respond to me.

"I am busy Y/N. Not now. Leave me alone." She insisted quietly.

Feeling defeated and not wanting to create any more tension than I already had, I did as she asked and left her alone.

The next few days at work were awkward to say the least, the tension between us was unbearable. Although Estella had been ignoring me for the majority of the time, on the rare occasion we did have to interact with one another, hidden under the guise of her civility were her obvious feelings of anger and resentment towards me that hit my emotions and self-esteem hard. I tried several times to talk with her, to apologise, but she wouldn't let me. For once I was glad that the Baroness had her accompanying her to all of her meetings and running errands for her, at least it meant I didn't have to see her longer than necessary.

~~~                   ~~~                     ~~~

The sound of the Baronesses heels clicking against the floor echoed though out the silent room as she paced up and down the line of mannequins displaying our design ideas. My pulse began to increase as she approached closer to my design, feeling unnerved by her intimidating demeanour. Her pacing stopped immediately as she got to me, stopping to examine my design intently. She lifted her eyes off of my design and on to my face, giving me a stony glare and raising her eyebrow at me.

"What do you call this?" She sighed gesturing at the design on the mannequin. "This is shoddy work, you're one of my best designers Y/N, I expected better from you." She added in a disapproving tone shaking her head.

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