The Jealousy Game

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It has been almost two years now since Cruella and I have been together, and it's safe to say I know her better than anybody else. I know pretty much everything there is to know about her from, her adorable little quirks to her deepest darkest secrets. One thing people misunderstand about Cruella is how sweet and loving she can be. The whole world is under the impression that she is an evil, cold and heartless woman, which couldn't be further from the truth. Although her days are spent working as the most notorious fashion designer in the city, most of her evenings are spent cuddling me in front of the warmth of the fireplace at Hell Hall. That being said, just like the rest of the world she does have her faults, and she can be quite the handful - when she wants to be, especially when she is jealous.

She leaned casually against the wall on the other side of the room, staring at me through the crowd attending the after party of her show. I could tell almost instantly that she was jealous. Her green eyes gave me a piercing stare that immediately made me feel wary as her lips pursed ever so slightly, pouting at me in disapproval. I glanced back at her out of the corner of my eye as I stood there talking to Jasper and his friend Harry, who happened to work as the photographer for Cruella's latest show. It was no secret that Harry liked me, a little too much in fact. A few months ago Jasper had told us both that Harry often spoke about me, commenting on how much he fancied me. Cruella's reaction to this was unexpectedly calm, but I knew deep down how jealous she was which I often teased her about.

Harry was tall with big arms, a chiselled chest and abs that you could see through his horrifically tight shirts that he often paired with corduroy trousers and a terrible brown leather jacket. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. I guess he was what some might say attractive, and despite his terrible dress sense he was a great guy. But he certainly wasn't my type and Cruella knew that. But that didn't stop her feeling a little jealous when he was around, and I would be lying if I said that there wasn't something about her jealousy that I enjoyed. I couldn't help but giggle to myself as I saw the sullen look on her face, knowing that it would be causing her blood to run hot, as if there were a fire within her.

I tried to distract myself from the thoughts of her, as my conversation with Jasper and Harry continued on. As Harry continued to try to impress me as he droned on about boring camera lenses that I had little to no interest in, I couldn't help but notice Cruella walking across the dance floor, with drink in her hand and a jealous glint in her eye.

"I wondered when that would happen." I thought to myself as I bit my lip in an attempt to  try to hide the slight smug smile I could feel growing on my face, as she began to approach us.

She stopped once she had finally approached us, pushing herself into the conversation making a discreet effort to ensure that she was stood next to me. Although Cruella and I had been together for a while now, we had only really told our close friends about our relationship, to the press and to everybody else we were simply just friends. This meant that we had to be on our best behaviour at the party, which was far more difficult than it sounds.

My heart began to race and I could feel the heat of her stare as she scanned her eyes down my body and back up, smiling at me, in a way that caused me to feel both nervousness and excitement as she locked her eyes back on mine.

"Having fun?" She questioned in an ever so slightly mocking tone, clearly directing the question at me.

There was something about that woman that made me absolutely crazy, and knowing that she was feeling jealous and desperate for me made it worse. "Yep." I nodded, smiling back at her, biting my lip ever so slightly, trying to conceal the fact that I was enjoying the effects of her jealousy a little too much.

"Y/N was having a great time listening to Harry talk about all his fascinating camera lenses." Jasper chuckled teasing her, knowing full well it would get under her skin.

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