Fan Interaction

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In the middle of entertaining the crowd tonight in London, we decided to have a little break from singing due to technical difficulties.

I saw a sign that says "Please take a picture with me Y/N :)" and saw the girl holding a Polaroid camera. I moved closer to her aisle.

I asked the security guard to pass her Polaroid camera to me. I decided to take two pictures, one of us and a solo picture of her.

After the photo was developed, I kissed it as a souvenir for her. I eventually gave the camera and the polaroids back to her.

"Hello, London! Great to be back, so I want to just say that I-" I quickly stopped talking when I saw a sign.

"Just got dumped by my boyfriend tonight." I read the sign, frowning.
"Why did you get dumped, love?" I asked her.

She was quite beautiful but dried mascara stained her cheeks.

"He didn't want me to come here!" She yelled so that I can hear, I lift an eyebrow.
"He doesn't like us? Well, you don't need someone like that anyways, pick someone supportive." I waved at her, she understood and nodded.

The crowd cheered when I finished talking.

They eventually fixed the issue and we can continue our performance for the night.

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