hello sunset

319 15 7

august 2016

all there could be said is "sunsets in hawaii "

Junmyeon tries not to laugh as Joohyun covers herself up right as they exit the building together.

After the Olympics, a group of fans were waiting for all the artists outside the building. With the comeback just around the corner, Joohyun and the other members of Red Velvet tried their best to cover up their new hair colors.

"You're doing all this while Seulgi's bright orange hair is on display for everyone to see," Junmyeon stifled a laugh.


"Calm down, everyone will probably see your hair when the pictures from the workshop are released.

Joohyun sighs, " You're right. I shouldn't be worried about this. I'm literally in Hawaii."

Junmyeon chuckles at her sulking.

"By the way, how long do you think you'll take to get ready?" he asks, " We can go down to party together."

Everyone is returning back to their rooms to get ready for the big dinner party later.

"I probably won't take that long— 30 minutes at most, but I think Sooyoung and Yerim wanted to shower before going so you don't need to wait for us," she replied.

Junmyeon wanted to tell her that he just wanted to spend some more alone time with her but she didn't get the hint. It was normal for her to worry more about her members.

"Alright I'll just head down early."

Junmyeon was wandering around the venue looking for people to greet. The space they had set up was pretty big. It was a big lawn with a big stage and multiple tables spread out, all on the beach.

He found some SNSD members and went over to them to make small talk.

"Junmyeonah! What are you doing here alone?" Taeyeon greets him.

"None of the members came down yet but I was bored so I decided to come down."

"Same! Hyoyeon and Joohyun are still upstairs getting ready so the rest of us decided to just leave them," she said.

"Speaking of Joohyun, where's your Joohyun? I wanted to show her something." Yuri chimes in.

"First of all, she's not my Joohyun..." Junmyeon says.

Yuri and Taeyeon raise their eyebrows and tell him to continue.

"Second of all, why would you think I know where she is?" he asks, "But she's still in the room. She's  waiting for her members to be done before coming down."

They laugh at his answer.

"You literally just answered your own question," Taeyeon says.

Junmyeon playfully rolls his eyes and leaves the group. He bumps into Amber and Luna and entertains their vlogs for a bit before getting up and leaving again.

The whole time, he had one thought in his mind: Joohyun.

What even were they? It would be painful to admit they were simply just platonic friends. Obviously he feels something when he's with her, he just doesn't know if she feels the same. Nonetheless, even the other people in the company whom they rarely see have caught on to whatever relationship the two had. Heck, even the CEO has heard about them.

Junmyeon also is aware that Joohyun would definitely not risk anything for her group even if she somehow felt the same way. The last time anything happened, Joohyun and Junmyeon ended up not talking for months. As far as he knew, Joohyun's number one priority as of right now are her members. Whether it is a purpose or a burden, her duty as the leader will always come first.

It wouldn't be right for him to start anything to add even more to her plate.

Joohyun and the girls went down when the sun was just about to set on the horizon of the beach.

Sooyoung gasps, "It's so pretty!"

"I know right, it's like cotton candy," Yerim gushes.

"Looking at it makes me feel so at ease," Seungwan sighs.

Joohyun smiles at her members admiring the sky. She didn't need to look up to feel at peace.

They sat down at a table and placed their stuff down. Not even one minute after they settled down, they left to talk with the others. Being a big introvert, Joohyun used the excuse of watching over stuff to stay at the table.

Seeing Joohyun sitting at the table alone, Junmyeon went up to her to keep her company.

"Being social is so tiresome," Joohyun says when she sees Junmyeon sitting down next to her.

"Woah, I haven't even sat down and you're already bringing in the deep topics," he jokes.

"Don't you think it's such a pity that we only get to stay for 3 days?" she asks.

"Yeah and most of it is spent doing workshop activities."

"Still I should be grateful that I'm part of this company. I doubt any other job I would have taken would pay for my Hawaii trip," she chuckles.

"I'll take you to Hawaii with that one week trip I promised you," he brings up.

"You never promised me anything."

"Well, I guess I now officially promise you I'll take you on a one week long Hawaii vacation one day," he says proudly.

"You shouldn't make broken promises," she says looking right into his eyes.

"I promise to never break a promise I make to you," he responds, looking straight back at her.

"Shouldn't you be mingling with the others as well," she asks, closing her eyes, leaning back.

"I did that already when you were upstairs. I think I walked in a circle 6 times before coming to sit down with you," he says.

"I see," she sighs and leans her neck even further back, now dangling her head on the chair and facing the sky."

Junmyeon sticks his arm out to support her head, "You're going to get neck pain."

"Once again I'm taking advantage of EXO Suho's arm."

He chuckles, "Even EXO Suho bows down to Irene."

"Your arm is going to cramp up," she points out, still with her eyes closed.

"Don't belittle my strength."

She lets out a soft laugh. Junmyeon found it euphonious.

"I might doze off for a moment so tell me when the food is ready. Drop my head if you feel tired," she says.

"I would never."

The sun was almost all the way down the horizon. The party was pretty loud but all Junmyeon could hear was the waves crashing and Joohyun breathing in and out. A soft warm wind blows her hair onto her face.

Junmyeon uses his other hand to brush it off, "Bae Joohyun, I think you are so mesmerizing."

Oh how bad Joohyun wanted to smile from that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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