good morning

469 30 6

march 2016

the two groups go on a trip

Spring came in a flash. Both Joohyun and Junmyeon's schedules were pretty laid back. Apart from the occasional radio or event, Joohyun's only work was hosting at Music Bank. So if neither of them were busy, why haven't they called each other to go out yet?

Although the two stayed texting occasionally, they haven't met up even once this year. Their practice time also never matched up so they haven't gotten to talk at the company. The closest thing to an interaction was when both groups were at the cafeteria. The problem was that they were on opposite sides of the room so they could only give a small wave to each other.

Soon after that day, Junmyeon was frustrated. A quarter of the year has passed and they haven't met up once at all. Junmyeon was annoyed that even though they were in the same room they couldn't even talk. It was like fate was setting them up to not meet. Junmyeon realized he had to man up and just ask her to hang out.

"It's not like I'm asking her out. Okay maybe technically I am, but I'm just asking to meet up as friends," he spurts out to Jongdae who was doing the dishes with him.

"Why are you freaking out? It's just two friends meeting up. There's nothing weird about that. Well, unless you see her as more than a friend..."

"What?! No! I'll ask her right now." Junmyeon defends as he takes out his phone.

Right when he has it in his hands, the screen lights up from a notification.

Joohyun's schedule has been the same every week. It was so consistent she didn't even realize it was 3 months into the year already. She wanted to do something fun after being in a boring cycle for so long. After finding something she wanted to do, she needed people to go with her. The first person she thought of to call was Junmyeon.

joohyunnie: hey are you free right now?

junmyeonnie: yeah what's up

joohyunie: i was thinking about going on a trip

junmyeonnie: a trip

joohyunnie: yup. with both our groups. I was thinking camping.

Although he was slightly disappointed it wasn't just them two, the plan actually sounded really exciting. Junmyeon goes and locks himself in his room so the members won't barge in and interrupt. As he shuts the door, he can hear Jongdae yelling at him to finish the dishes.

junmyeonnie: that actually sounds really fun but when and how are we going to pull this off

joohyunnie: we'll have to find a date everyone is free

junmyeonnie: it'll have to be by next monday since we're starting to record for the album

joohynnie: alright i'll figure it out. on another note, i heard the monster demo and i know it's going to be a hit

junmyeonnie: so confident let's hope you're right

joohyunnie: of course! i have to root for my biases

junmyeonnie: what? kyungsoo and jongdae again?

joohynnie: yup! but lately that suho guy has been biaswrecking

junmyeonnie: yeah he's pretty great not going to lie.


"Hyung, get these chips," Sehun says as he throws more things into the shopping cart.

It was 7 in the morning and Sehun, Kyungsoo, and Junmyeon arrived at the supermarket near their dorm right when it opened to get snacks and food for the trip. In two hours they would be leaving Seoul to go on a camping trip with Red Velvet.

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