Chapter 47 - Twist of Fate

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50 minutes later

In Sylvester's office, Logan, his team, as well as the Crusader squadron and some soldiers enter through the door. They've spent a full day using whatever R&R they were having. There was no time for anything else, as now the big notice dawns on them.

Area 51 back on their hands, a dream seemingly impossible a this point.

Alongside Sylvester are both Brigadier General Clemons and Major Lapidus, both of whom are looking at the screen and the satellite image which is now up on the wall.

"My God," Clemons whispers. "This is incredible!"

"Yes, sir," says Lapidus. "I'm sure you're aware that the Zlocu has been holding Area 51 hostage for months."

"Well, we have finally gotten our time!"

"Also, we have our guests," Sylvester says as he points to the others entering, the expressions being a mix of curiosity and confusion over this situation.

"Area 51? Back to ours? How?" Logan asks.

"A few hours ago, we received a file which contains a video file about a certain scientist who is prominent among us in the military, as well as the government. William Rains is the name."

"William Rains?" Logan questions.

"Yes. He was a scientist working on top-secret projects for years, but after his work was exposed to the Zlocu, he and others were held captive and left in the dark in that base, where he is currently residing, at least up until now."

"And now he's telling us why he's contacting us now?"

"That's a good question. We better play the video for you to find out." Sylvester clicks the video file with his mouse, a pop-up screen shows up, showing a player with a length of one minute. The video begins with the man himself tugging his shirt while clearing his throat.

"Hello, my friends," Rains says, with his voice coming from the computer. "I am William Rains. I've been imprisoned here for days, and just recently, they gave me access to a computer so I could contact you. It's a bit difficult to get hold of one, but I have figured out a way to get in contact with you. But we get good news, in light of recent events regarding your military operations, the Zlocu has agreed to formally surrender their sovereignty over the base, and tomorrow afternoon, the base will be formally declared back to your territory. You can thank me later."

"Eh, sounds he's faking a whole lot," Andrei says.

"And if any of you question the validity of this surrender, here's a signed document that officially declares the full surrender of the Zlocu's control of the base. Now with that in mind, we'll be grateful for the arrival of all help you can need, and you can think the universal civility and diplomacy that let us get to this very moment of pure glory. William out." With that, the video stops there.

Sylvester taps the end button on the remote, turning it off. "Now, everyone, I know you're all curious as to what the deal is behind everything, especially given this seemingly valid declaration of surrender. But first, someone needs to go check on things and make sure that everything is secure."

"You think they were faking the whole surrender, don't you?" Andrei asks.

"Look at our victories, son, why else would they fake it?" Clemons interjects between the two.

"Yes, and if that was fake, I'm going to hate myself for thinking it, not with the finest of the drinks of course."

"Watch your mouth, little man," Lapidus says with a smirk on his face, Logan crosses his arms in response.

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