Chapter 122 - Cleansation

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5 hours later. 

Time ticks closer, for as the moment of truth reaches for both sides on that day. To see who will stand and who will fall. 

No matter what it takes. 

Near Exposition Park,  there is the famed California Science Center, a museum where the finest creations and demonstrations known in the state were demonstrated to people. For years, the museum attracted many visitors from both the nation and abroad, especially for the gifted-minded, where they could see if the newest ideas could take them to the stars or even develop their bodies in more ways than one, a way to "evolve" per se. 

But like many places since the invasion, the zone has become a shell of its former self. The once proud displays of shuttles and experimental planes are torn down in most parts, with most streets full of sandboxes, custom-made barricades, undetonated missile shells on the floor, torn-down flags of the nation on most of the barricades and the building that remain standing, sidewalks full of cracks, the parks now full of trenches and fortified posts instead of the everlasting green plants that stood proud for many years. The sounds of the breeze and chirping birds are now replaced with the distant sound of gunfire and some creaking fire. 

Maybe with some luck, the park can return to its former glory once it's all over, even if it takes generations for it to happen. 

Near the barricaded entrance, where two M60 turrets are placed between two rebels with ragged and torn clothing, some technical vans also with M60 turrets and some radio posts in the guard post of the staircase, even as the sun shines upon the many men and women that are ready to give it all for any incoming offense from the Zlouc and the collaborators to head for them, no matter how big they can be or where they are from. 

On the rooftop, Logan and Amira oversee the wide landscape of the park, with the distinct shapes of Zlocan and enforcer vehicles on the horizon, all while tightening their hold on their light blades. The latest days have been quite complicated on their end due to the botched rescue attempt and when Ed nearly lost his life due to his pursuit of Barb. As Logan wrinkles the brow and takes a deep breath, Amira glances at him with narrow eyes, almost to the point of wanting to raise her other hand to his. 

"Logan... Is it still lingering inside of you?" Amira asks. Logan merely sighs in response. 

"I... I just don't know if we can get enough people here to come out unscratched. So much the Zlocu can try, and the latest days are giving us more reasons to use every method available," Logan replies without glancing at Amira with a near whispery tone. 

"I know... But is it not the point to get enough people for our side and what we have to do?" 

"Enough people got their lives stolen away way too soon and when they're needed the most, all the innocents in this world and others don't deserve any more grief from such loss..." 

"Even though new lives can be born to make sure it does not repeat later?" Logan's answer is merely silence as he keeps staring into the horizon, his mouth trembling as he glances at his tightened hold on the blade. So many lives he managed to reach safely, yet still many lost during his days fighting against the Zlocu. 

It is times like this when one must see if there should be a limit to shouldering the responsibility of being one person to look for from many, one that even the most prepared may have many obstacles and hazards to overcome with such expectations. When one can't accomplish many of those expectations set by people when it comes to heroism, then it may be a sign that perhaps they're not cut for the duty and leave it to others. But at the same time, when many options may have run out, then such people may be the only choice left to gather, no matter the issues they have or what people think of them. 

Earth Warriors (Undergoing Revision)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora