Chapter 132 - In Short Notice

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2 hours later. 

As the heroes return to their post in the Evolving Zone, there are more pressing matters for those staying on guard. One that involves taking every defensive measure of their posts like one typical errand. 

In one corner with a handful of building blocks in the center, the sun is reflected on most of the shattered window surfaces that lay around the ground, especially those outside the windows on the lower floors of the building in the center. There are a handful of holes in the various corners of the building, namely near the brick walls from the lower parts to the upper parts. 

With the sound of gunfire and blaster fire echoing through most corners of the street, almost as if they fit into a piece of the canvas that is this sort of battlefield to be expected. 

The right part of the building is where a handful of Zlocan Knights and some Human enforcer exchange fire through the windows, all firing at one wrecked minivan in the middle of the street and others at a shattered stone wall of a desolated building. Behind the wrecked car are none other than Jack and Luce sticking together while keeping their heads as much as covered while they both keep their weapons close to them. 

"Talk about a noisy reception in there!" Jack says as he keeps cover with his M4 rifle in his arms. 

"It kinda is when dealin' wi' those roasters out there!" Luce replies while keeping her brand of knives close to her chest. 

"Yeah, but you gotta watch first. Malak, Andrei, you up?" Jack asks near the stone wall on their backs, one where both of them lay in cover there. 

"As loud we can hear you, my man, you got a perfect solution for this?" Malak asks as loud as she can amidst the cacophony of blaster and gunfire that's thrown at them, all without losing a hint of her collected demeanor when it comes to this sort of situation. 

One that seems crafty enough to prompt a chuckle out of Jack. 

"If it involves running with a freaky stone body, it better be worth the time!" Andrei says, clenched fists and such as he stands next to Malak on the stone wall. 

"I'll do it as quick as I can. Andrei, how fast can you run?" Jack asks as he glances at Andrei direction, even if it's not seen through the wall. 

"Well, certainly as fast as my life allows it, man!" Andrei replies, to which Jack glances at Luce then both nod in unison as they slightly raise their weapons. A plan of speed it seems like, even with an altered Human like Andrei. 

"In that case, once you turn your body into stone, use all the energy you can absorb to distract then we three will cover you with some fire at them. Guns, arrows, knives, anything you can think of." 

"And what if the stone breaks faster than anticipated?!" 

"Then the best solution would be making a distraction with a blast," Malak says as she takes out a metallic arrow with an orange tip and smirks as well. 

"And if that doesn't work, mate, then go pick the nearest source of metal on the floor. There's a few in there, even," Lucy says as she glances at the street while Jack reloads the M4 rifle. 

"You ready for it, Andrei?" Jack asks as he keeps his position in check alongside Luce. Andrei merely glances at both Malak and outside the street while still keeping his head down. 

Even if the situation is pretty risky without the presence of the EW and Wolfpac to an extent, it's certainly something to commit to as a way to honor them as much as possible. As such, Andrei sighs and then looks up at the sky. 

"I fight better when they don't see me, but if you insist, then I'll go ahead!" Andrei says as he touches one of the stone bricks, which makes the body morph into one full of said element. 

Earth Warriors (Undergoing Revision)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora