Chapter 65 - Once Gone

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September 22nd, 2026. 23:30

They say that the mind is a weapon most people don't realize, but those who do get to develop the most.

In a dimly lit laboratory in the F.O.B, only a handful of cables and wires are in abundance on most tables, either split apart with some burnt pieces or placed together in a queue to put them together for something big. Something that could get the UEF deeper into the Zlocan barrier that has put grief to much of the Human forces trying to enter the south of California for far too long. And it could be one of the boldest ones yet.

In front of the windows, Seiner is sitting down as he uses the hex driver to tighten the screws of a drone with a similar shape out of many, all in cubic forms with x-shaped wings to give some elevation, all in chrome as shiny as the most precious metals out there in the world. Even with a sweaty hand, his placement, eye focus and tightening remain as firm as ever, something to be expected from someone like him. He's used to this; he's worked here before, so many times. It's part of the job.

His other hand is resting on the table with a pen held above it, fingers pressing against the plastic surface, and the rest of his attention focuses on whatever is written underneath the page of notes and diagrams.

The door opens to reveal another individual, it's Celina. She holds the device from before during the rescue in the desert, checking proof of radio waves, specifically aimed at the drones. This testing makes her smile, if only because she believes that Seiner may be close to something by now. It can be hard to tell when it comes to handling the newest types of technology to only the most privileged beings that there is.

"Another assignment, huh?" Celina asks out loud, and despite the drone being the only one reacting to her voice as hinted by the blinking it emits, Seiner turns around to face her. However, his expression remains the same except for a barely raised eyebrow on his left.

"Still a handful more to go, may take until even past midnight to finish them," Seiner says. 

"As far as I can tell, even though it's been an hour already since you started. Don't you think you need a break? C'mon, even a brainy head like you needs it," Celina says as she places her pinky finger on her lip. Seiner, however, only shakes his head as he picks up a plier next to the box.

"It's for the best, as much as I would want to spend more time with you, Celina, this," says Seiner, as he looks at the drones, "is far more important to develop than to fritter away for some R&R." Celina nods at this. As she would like a necessary job is needed when it comes to such matters, especially concerning breaking through barriers. 

And yet, Celina may be done yet as she places her device forward to him. Seiner steps away for a bit as she does it.

"How about a sweet little test?" Celina asks with teasing tone with a cheeky smile to boot.

"Which is?" Seiner asks.

"Radio jamming resistance, and I'll appreciate your cooperation for your sake." She winks as she sets up the device. Seiner sighs as he picks up the tablet, which sends him to an interface full of commands and coordinates to one of the drone units that show enough energy to be activated and fly.

He presses a few buttons while giving a nod to his assistant behind the camera and starts typing, but he soon turns his attention back to the screen as Celina takes a step closer.

"You're doing great, 'mate'," Celina says to him, making sure she sounds genuine. Seiner only smirks in response.

"It's nothing special for me, Celina," Seiner replies without taking his eyes off the screen. Just then, the drone next to his left-hand starts to hover around, which makes Celina tilts her head around to focus on it. She smiles at this sight due to how stable the flight is like while a dot is shown on the screen following its movements. Seiner keeps his eyes on the screen as he inputs some commands on the tablet. Then, the drone starts to fly around the room a couple of times, even flying outside the window for a bit. The sound becomes faint as Seiner continues typing.

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