Chapter 144 - The Super-Duper Kids Squad!

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10 minutes later.

As the sun continues to shine in the peculiar daylight of the late afternoon, right as a relative silence fills the streets and the surrounding areas in there, Amira flies high in the sky, passing through many of the crumbled and shattered buildings of South LA without ever glancing behind her or below over what's to come. Even with her eyes closed, she keeps a straight balance in her path as she flaps her digital wings while she dodges some of the occasional posts in the way, with the speed being fast enough to be seen as a blur by most bystanders who look above.

She keeps her course until she turns to a five-floor building, almost to the size of a hotel. She descends steadily as her wings flap to control the speed of her descent while she lands on her right foot, stretching her arms until she is fully on the ground, and her wings digitize inside her body once more. Once she opens her eyes, she takes some quick breaths as she kneels down, glancing at the shattered ground while she lifts her hands close to her face, wrinkled brow, and everything that entails.

Why... Why did it happen like that? I thought they would be angry but yet... They looked relieved that I was still intact... Do they know? Or is it... Is it something else that I do not know about Humans...?

So many thoughts are reaching her head after what she and others went through. The trials, the tricks, the deaths, all of it, she and Logan have done everything to quell more of the issues that plagued the city, and yet despite their best efforts to ensure fewer senseless deaths, it still came naught from machinations outside their control.

A control of those from above.

If they know what I did... Then I do not deserve them... Everyone who was slain due to how slow I was, or how little control I had when it came to protecting my loved ones... I just wish... I wish Varris could be here... I cannot feel him still...

Her hands tremble the more she thinks about the events of the last few days, and soon, tears fall as she weeps for a bit.

The responsibility of being both a survivor and hero can be a tremendous burden for many, and Amira is one of them. So much to bear, and the only thing that she wants is something that can resemble a home for her, even if her home is long gone due to the actions of the Zlocu. And even if other worlds that could be safer for her are found once it's over, it's still a question of whether the hole in her heart can be filled in any way, especially when there are only fewer of her species left on the galaxy.

Especially if her mistake as she watched Logan get brutalized will be easily forgiven by everyone, especially Humans.

But just as she continues to sob for a bit, a distinct noise is heard nearby, one that resembles a mix of shouts and gunfire, which is enough to perk her ears in the direction of it, which is around her west. She clears the tears from her eyes as well while she stands up and glances in the direction of the sound.

The wings digitize once more and she leaps upward a few meters high, then flies in the direction of the sound that she senses, all while her eyes are wide enough, and breathes steadily as she reaches her destination.

As soon as she reaches the location, she gasps at the sight of it. A group of armed "enforcers" using Remington shotguns to shoot at the door of a residential house that's already full of holes, with the others lined up behind the squads as they prepare to assault the house in there.

W-who are they trying to attack...? As soon as Amira reaches for her forehead, what she senses is enough to make her gasp. More refugees... Under attack by them. But, should I...?

She stands idly in the air as her wings continue to flap for a bit, her hands clenching the hilt of her light blade.

Earth Warriors (Undergoing Revision)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang