Chapter 23 - Friendship Worth Keeping?

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Unknown location in California. August 23rd, 18:10 p.m

Deep in the forests, there is a lonely house next to a river. Wooden and all that seems normal at first sight.

Yet, there's much more.

Inside the house, a chattering is going on, coming from some sort of kitchen. Looking like a family reunion or talk over something important to them.

Said "family" are someones who probably have the least expected time to look again.

The Agents are here.

On the table, there's a holographic display of a stadium. Formerly one that looked tidy and nice, it now looks packed with some sandbag defenses and turrets on the roof. All heavily militarized.

Agent Sequence is pointing at the hologram while the team watches, almost as if there's the need to stay focused.

"Alright, team, we will deploy tomorrow at 9:00 a.m to San Diego, I've just got word that The Navigators, the ones holding the secret for the first Human air fleet, are being held hostage at Qualcomm Stadium, where they will be guarded until they broadcast the execution live on TV at 12:00 PM," Sequence says, the other members murmur to each other in what is to be expected in that event.

"That sounds uglier than Roman executions though," Agent Ace replies.

"But that's not the important part. First, we must clear the security forces stationed outside the stadium, afterward, we'll infiltrate through the parking lot to reach the game field, where The Navigators are being held. As usual, the organization demands that our presence in this mission must be kept at absolute secrecy, and any attempt at revealing our presence will result in a "cleanup". However, unlike previous missions, this one will not involve carpet bombing in the surrounding areas, instead, the Watchers will be sent to clear it up."

"And you probably know the one who is responsible?" Widow asks while she leans near Open, making her step back for a bit.

"If it's the way to make sure there's no infighting in this group itself, then we won't get paid extra for teamwork. Pinkie promise?"

O can only nod while slightly trembling from the command. Even with the mask on, Widow's smirk can be spotted with a trained eye.

"Which Watcher group may I ask? The one with Vatista? That bastard may surely bring a hell lot of gunfire for a good shit," House says.

"Actually...negative. He already has his own bounties and mission to get."

"But he can help us faster!"

"But endanger his contract?"


"Then it's settled, so shut up now."

Ace can only chuckle in response while pressing with his elbow to House's arm for a bit.

"Cheer up, your tricks are still good, right?"

"I think not?"

"You'll see, it won't be that hard."

"This mission will be hard, fellow SHADOWS, but I'm pretty sure that your skills will provide the momentum in this, understood?" agent S says while turning down the hologram displaying the stadium, coming from a device near S's hand.

"We'll do it." They then get up from the chair. They put them back in their place at the table while crossing their arms in an X-shape form.

"For the eternal balance of all!" the rest say in unison as they salute.

"Good, now let's rest for tomorrow and anticipate the great prize waiting for us all."

All of them proceed to separate, ready to pack their stuff for the mission.

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